Borneo Break:: Breakfast in Miri

After the wedding dinner, Mau Wei drove me straight to her rented house in Miri's suburbs. On the way, I called up an old friend, Poh Lee to say hello and upon arriving at Mau Wei's house, met up with the latter's friend, Li Peng whom I rather called Amber Chia, and also her house mate who hailed from Brunei. Amber had flown in from Sabah to join our trip round Sarawak. The next morning, Mau Wei had driven her and me to a nearby coffee shop to have our breakfast. The food in Miri were rather different and the tea especially which the locals called teh si special, had three layers- the tea itself, milk and brown sugar- was a novelty to me and I were to have it at every given opportunity! Back home, someone told me the tea is available in town and is known as teh dang dut but that has yet to be confirmed. Meanwhile, just enjoy...

Breakfast in Miri... The three layers of the teh si here is not really visible and it is not the best teh si yet...

Noodles galore...

Traveling Tip: Take delight in a different kind of breakfast!