I suppose Sean had planned to go up Bukit Larut, the tiny hill resort in Taiping. Opened by the British during their heydays in Malaya, as Malaysia was known then, this first hill resort in Malaysia was then called Maxwell Hill and had served as a place where the British could escape from the tropical heat . The tiny hill resort in Taiping is also known as Kopi Sua to the local Chinese which means literally Coffee Hill. I heard that tea had once been cultivated up there where the weather is cooler but then, why it was named Coffee Hill beat me. Neither tea nor coffee could be found there today but there should be a little garden flaunting dahlias of various hues and of course, the much-hyped about tulips. Getting up to the top of the hill is easy. You can walk up there but that would be a grueling 40 minutes task even without a baggage. I would recommend taking a jeep then. At 6 Ringgit, it is dirt cheap considering that it would take you through a narrow tar road with hairpin bends. It wouldn't be that cheap if you go to Disneyland or to Ocean Park for such a ride albeit in a train! Anyway, be there at the office at 7.30 a.m to book your tickets. You can't book in advance and the jeeps don't make too many trips. In any case, if you fail to get a ticket or if you don't fancy going up the hill, just hang around the foot for there is a tropical heaven right there!