City of Billboards

In June 2006, I went to Manila via Brunei, Sarawak and Sabah. Ely whom I met through the internet said he is residing in QC- Quezon City in Luzon island, Phillipines, that is... Quezon City really rings a bell. I think I had passed that bustling city of the young. With one third of its 2.4 million population consisting of people below 15 years old, the city is also reputedly the largest of Metro Manila's cities in terms of population and land area . I remember taking a plane from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah to a little airport and taking a bus to Manila at about 5pm to 6 pm. Somewhere in the journey, I was confronted by a bustling city with brightly lit giant bill boards. There seemed to be so many billboards then, the most I had ever seen in a single place. That must be Quezon City, I think.