Sulawesi Surprise!: Welcome to the Highlands!

Traveling 310 km from Makassar to Tana Toraja, sometimes I would think there would be an isolated motel ala Bates Motel featured in Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 thriller, Psycho. You'd not want to meet Norman Bates aka Anthony Perkins of course and would not want to end up like Marion Crane aka Janet Leigh but then worry not, I didn't see any hotel or motel along the way. There was much greenery as well as solitude and at a little eating place where we stopped, I was more preoccupied with the scenery rather than the drap man-made structure that we took a respite in. At Enrekang, you woud be delighted, too what with Gunung Nona presented to you in all its splendour... By the way, you are now at the Highlands, babe. Welcome!

What would you probably eat at this drab eating place in the middle of nowhere?

Traveling Tip: Take interest in Nowhere!