Sulawesi Surprise!: Erotic Mountains

Traveling to Rantepao, the heartland of Toraja country, you'd get to travel the Celebes Highlands. Besides stopping for lunch in Pare-Pare, do make it a point to take a break for tea especially at Buntu Kabobong or the erotic mountain. That would be 20 km from Enrekang and you would be delighted just to sit and drink some Toraja coffee and eat some banana fritters as you drink in the view before you. There should be a few eating places along the way where you could take a break but the one we went to offered a vintage view of Gunung Nona, the erotic mountain which the locals dubbed, the Most Sacred Vagina. Of course, there is another erotic mountain, the Most Sacred Holy Penis tucked somewhere nearby. Could you imagine a highland with a vagina and no penis? The two enormous geological landmarks that resemble human genitals inspired a tale and our guide told a story, a myth about a deva who incurred the wrath of the Gods when he married a human female and both were thus turned into mountains...

Can you spot a vagina?

Traveling Tip: Drink in the view!