Sulawesi Surprise!: Things We Did Behind Trees and Bushes

I remember making many long journeys by bus during my pilgrimage to India. In December, the weather in North India was rather cold and since we did not sweat much, most of us made that up by going to the loo very often. Of course, there was no toilet in our bus and quite often, someone in the bus would made a request to the driver to stop so that we could do our business by the roadside. We had to urinate behind trees and bushes as there was no public toilet along the way, not even a single shop or house which we could take refuge in. The road from Makassar to Toraja was long and we did stop like we did in India to do the things we did behind the trees and bushes. Here of course, where the weather was hot and humid,we did not urinate much and when nature called, we were fortunate to be able to stop at the few eating shops along the way. You'd not expect places like MacDonald or Kentucky Fried Chicken here but you'd be thrilled just as well at some of the snacks they offered..

Take a break and have a snack...

Traveling Tip: Take a bite of local offerings!