Colourful Street in Old Delhi

Towards the end of our trip to India, we spent the last two to three days in New Delhi. We visited Jamek Mosque on our first day. It was a very old mosque with lots of pigeons in its compounds and there was a colorful street just opposite it where we found a hotel to put up for the night. The street there bustled with activities and at night, it was simply fabulous to walk though its streets. The streets seemed long and never ending and they were practically swarmed with people: vendors plying their wares, customers and beggars too, so many of them! Disheveled men could be seen waiting outside eating shops for handouts and I heard part of the day’s proceed would be channeled to feed them, which I think is a good idea.

Jamek Mosque...

A street opposite Jamek Mosque...

An eating shop....

Outside an eating shop....

Traveling Tip: Contemplate humankind while traveling.