Java Jamboree: Almost a Missed Opportunity

Yogyakarta's Water Castle had been badly damaged by an earthquake in 1867. Visiting the Castle for the first time especially its well-restored part- the bathing pools or Umbul Binangun, one could be forgiven if one had the mistaken notion that only a small portion of the castle remained.Then, one would perhaps wander among the little wooden houses there, admiring the works of the locals who make batik and paint to earn a living. There was a little thriving cottage industry there no doubt but that was not the main attraction. There was another more mesmerising part of the castle hidden away somewhere. In our case, we nearly missed it even though we had a guide with us. After coming out from Umbul Binangun, we had at the entrance saw a notice board which had a layout of the Water Castle. It was very obvious that we had not visited the entire castle and the guide whom earlier did not show sign of having any intention of taking us there, limped on...

At the Water Castle's vicinity...

Traveling Tip: Get an honest guide!