Java Jamboree: One Early Morn

Would you wake up at three or four in the cold, dark and dreary morning just to visit a place? Just the other day, a friend asked me to join him in a one day trip to Ikea, the Swedish-Dutch company specialising in furniture in Kuala Lumpur but I declined since I had to wake up at four a.m. for the trip. In Surabaya, Indonesia, however, I remember having to wake up around this odd hour just to make a trip. It was after the sumptuous dinner in the Javanese restaurant and we had left immediately for our hotel. I remember the white walls of the little room, the not so clean white bed linen and the not so comfortable bathroom but we really were in need of a place to clean up and to rest our tired bodies. The room did not come cheap; in fact it was one of the most expensive we had paid while in Java and we had only but a few hours to catch up on sleep. I can't remember sleeping well and suddenly, it was time. Groggily, I made my way to the vehicle which would take my friends and I to watch the sun rise from behind Mount Bromo...

Watching the sunrise in Mount Bromo...

Traveling Tip: Wake up early if you must!