The Hike of Chang and friends at Gunung Panti, Johor

On One sunny Sunday morning, Ah Teck (the hiker guide) and his team guiding a group to hike up to Mount Panti of Kota Tinggi.
This post is about to share the photos of the hike of Ms Chang & friends.

They started around 9am morning from the parking area.

Group photo taken at the parking area

The leader of this group who contact me was Ms Chang. There were total of 15 persons from her group.

And also the children group

The journey started....

This is the first short wooden bridge to cross

After about 1 hour more, they reached the exciting part of the hike, 'The Rock'. Where you can see all the guides were standing at each corner to help the hikers get over it.

The Bastard??! I like this shirt...:)

After 30 minutes, most of them are getting over the rock session, and continue to climb to the summit of Mount (Gunung) Panti.

The continue ascending is the last path and at last all of them reached the summit. You can see the Victory sign of their hand! :)

Successful conquer the Mount Panti (550m)

The group photo of Chang and friends

After about an hour rest and enough scenic view from the mountain, they are on the journey back...

This cute little boy...

Total about 4 hours of hiking journey to back at the parking area.
Overall, Chang & her friends were really enjoy the hike! Thanks.

* All photos above are provided by Chang.

Related post :-
* Hike on Mountain (Gunung) Panti, Kota Tinggi, Johor.
* Hike on Mount. Ophir (Gunung Ledang), Johor