Philippines travel

Travel Tour to Philippines
Tourism culture and History tour

travel in Philippines overview
The seven thousand islands that make up the Philippines are the major Southeast Asian forgotten: to be removed from the main land route, have never attracted a large number of tourists. Undoubtedly, this has hurt the country economically, but now its reputation for dangerous nation has become obsolete, and most of it has stabilized and is more secure. The country is promoting itself as like the smile of Asia and its people are friendly and helpful. Additionally, transportation is cheap, the food, quality and range of accommodation, wide.
In the Philippines pursues him unfortunately. In 2000, a research center based in Brussels declared the Philippines a country with increased susceptibility to disasters on Earth. Typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides and military action against Muslim insurgents are just some of your problems.

best time to visit Philippines

The best time to visit the country extends from December to May, the low season of typhoons. During the Christmas holidays and Easter increased demand and difficult to find a ticket, regardless of transport.
The most colorful festivals are held during the months of January and May, while the rice terraces of Luzon show their full glory in March and April, this is also the best time of year to travel between the islands

Philippines Vacations and Holidays

New Year's Day is celebrated with great hustle and fireworks. On January 9 will celebrate the Black Nazarene Procession, the largest in the country, which wanders through the streets of Quiapo a statue of Jesus in life-size black wood. Filipino Carnival on Tuesday, the Ati-Atihan, is celebrated during three days of the third week of January in Kalibo (Panay Island). On Friday proliferate flogging, especially popular in San Fernando and Antipolo, near Manila. May also organize other processions, such as the Flores de Mayo in honor of the Virgin Mary. On June 12 is celebrated with military parades on Independence Day

Philippines attraction


Some consider Manila as a city of only about ten million people, access point to other places more interesting. And while the least urbanized areas are a great attraction for the more adventurous traveler, who stay a while in the capital city thmanilaat is home to discover some treasures. Manila is a modern metropolis (was completely destroyed during World War II) which claims to have some beautiful colonial vestiges. The city may be the ideal place for leisure: bars and entertainment venues will keep the traveler in shape and eager to continue the fun for months.

The spectacular bench where rice is grown in Banaue in northern Luzon, have been described by many as the eighth wonder of the world. Excavated from the hillside by Ifugao tribe of the two or three thousand years, is spreading like stone steps to the sky, some up to an altitude of 1,500 m.

The island of Boracay, located on the northwest corner of Panay, regularly appears on lists of best beaches in the world. However, uncontrolled tourism development has hindered the elimination of waste. Environmental tests conducted in 1997 showed that Boracay waters from being polluted and not providing sufficient health guarantees for bathing. Subsequent studies revealed that the waters were within acceptable limits of contamination, and it is true that the beaches of Boracay seemed to have recovered a idílico.Puerto Galera on Mindoro Island, has become the ideal enclave to enjoy the sun. Puraran on the island of Catanduanes, near Luzon, also offers beautiful beaches, reefs and opportunities for surfing, but the currents can be dangerous.mount_pinatubo
Other points of interest

Throughout the archipelago, there are many pockets of great beauty, like the Chocolate Hills of Bohol (Visayas province), the crater of Taal Lake, south of Manila, the burial caves of Sagada, Bontoc and 18 km from the quiet port city of Cebu, where Magellan commanded to erect a cross, marking the beginning of Christianity in the Philippines, and a total of five thousand and even uninhabited islands to explore

Remote islands

The islands north of Bohol are particularly suited for the more adventurous, especially Dibutonay, and Maltatayoc Horse, located in Bay Gutob, between the islands of Busuanga and Culion. Batan Islands in the North, preserved surprisingly, are characterized by difficult access. They offer the possibility to visit remote towns, where you can stay in private homes.

In Northern Luzon, Vigan has remnants of the splendid architectural legacy Spanish. Colonial structures are preserved in very good shape and atmosphere of a unique seventeenth century. The town has several museums dedicated to various national Lake Sebu heroes who were born there.

On the island of Samar in the Visayas, is Viriato, population next to a coastal road with one of the most beautiful landscapes in the country that runs between mountains, steep cliffs, remote islands and beautiful bays full of boats. In the village can also admire great waterfalls and made good hiking.
Lake Sebu

The lake, a beautiful inland sea on the island of Mindanao , is located in the highlands of southern Tiruray, at an altitude of 300 m. The main attraction of this remote enclave is the possibility of knowing the culture and traditional lifestyle. The local tribe, the t'boli remains in an almost total seclusion and is famous for the quality of their work in brass and tissues. The Saturday market is especially lively

Philippines Hotels and activities

Several hotels in the city of Angels offer tours to Mount Pinatubo, which erupted in 1991, leaving behind a striking landscape. You can visit the area on foot across ravines, rent an SUV or to arrange a tour by air. It is also possible to climb Mount Mayon, located south of Luzon and found a perfect volcanic cone. This 2,450 m active volcano has erupted four times since 1968, the last came in February 1993. The escalation requires several days and can Legaspi hired local guides. Other interesting ascents are made at the Mount Taal, south of Manila, with a reputation for being one of the smallest and most dangerous volcanoes in the world, and in the Philippines palawan highest peak, Mount Apo in Mindanao.
Along the east coast of Luzon, particularly in the provinces of Quezon and Bikol, are offered the opportunity to go hiking. For those who choose to avoid motor vehicles, nothing compares with walking through the islands of Batan and Lubango, where horse carts are still the main mode of transport. Wildlife lovers should not miss visiting the island Calauit a reservation where animals are bred African species, such as giraffes, zebras and gazelles, for almost twenty years.
To be composed of about seven thousand islands, the Philippines has a varied practice for diving and snorkelling. Among the areas best Boracay contained, Alona Beach (Bohol), Puerto Princesa (Palawan) and the island of Apo. Those who prefer can navigate by canoe down the rapids of Pagsanjan River, 70 km southeast of Manila, some of whose places may be familiar, since there Coppola filmed part of his film Apocalypse Now. Caving enthusiasts can explore the underground river of Palawan, a labyrinth of caves with a length of 8 km

History of Philippines

The first inhabitants of the Philippines arrived in the country three thousand years ago, probably across a land passage linking it with the Asian continent. The Aetas arrived twenty-five thousand, but were expelled by successive waves of immigrants from Indonesia, followed by the arrival by sea of native Malaysia. In 1380 the makdum of Arabic origin, were established  in the Sulu archipelago and formed what would become a powerful Islamic enclave, which exerted a major influence over the centuries.
island of- Boracay
Ferdinand Magellan landed in 1521 and claimed the islands on behalf of Spain. However, he was killed by local chiefs, who were opposed to his claims. A Magellan followed Ruy López de Villalobos in 1543, named these lands like the Philippines in honor of Philip II. Permanent Spanish occupation began in 1565, six years after the entire country, except the Muslim Sulu archipelago, was under Spanish domination.

In the nineteenth century began a movement for independence and Filipinos fought alongside Americans in the Spanish-American War of 1898. After the Spanish defeat, General Aguinaldo declared the Philippines independent. However, United States bought the islands to the Spanish government for $ 20 million. Finally accepted the independence of the people claimed filipino and in 1935, as pre-independence ultimately, Manuel L. Quezon was sworn in as president of the Philippine Commonwealth. In 1942 Japan invaded the country and maintained their control until the United States occupied it again two years later. In 1946 the Philippines achieved full independence.

Ferdinand Marcos was elected president in 1965. Seven years later, declared martial law and ruled as dictator until 1986. His regime was attacked by both communist and Muslim guerrillas and the president was accused of fraud and rig the elections. The 1983 murder of opposition leader Benigno Aquino led mass protests against the government. In 1986 he held elections in which opposition parties united on Aquino's widow, Corazon. Although both parties claimed victory, Aquino took the reins of power. Initiated a program of non-violent civil unrest that caused the flight of Marcos.
island of Boracay
Aquino restored democratic institutions, but economic problems, the army and the powerful Filipino elite were a burden on its mandate. American influence on the country fell after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 which destroyed the U.S. Clark Air Base. Moreover, the Philippine Senate refused to ratify the lease of the naval base at Subic Bay. Aquino refused to rule on seven hits over his six years in office in 1992 and was succeeded by his defense minister, Fidel Ramos, who tried to revive the economy, attract foreign investment, end corruption and expand infrastructure.

The Philippine government and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (FMLN) signed a peace agreement in September 1996, ending, at least formally, a 24-year war for independence in Mindanao. The agreement provided a grant considerable autonomy to the FMLN in many provinces in Mindanao. But peace does not seem easy to achieve in the area because of the emergence of a dissident group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (FMLI), which opposes the pact. For now, the government continues to conduct military operations in the areas occupied by the FMLI in Basilan and Sulu.

In 1998, Ramos was replaced in office by Joseph Estrada, a former action movie star. He promised major improvements in economic impact and complied, but only for their own benefit. In late 2000 he was charged and tried for receiving bribes from gambling syndicates. The people took to the streets in mass protests in Manila.

On January 19, 2001 Estrada gave in to the popular clamor and resigned, the next day his former vice president, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, was sworn in as new president of the Republic of Philippines. In his inaugural speech he promised to end poverty and corruption. In addition, he resigned to grant amnesty to Estrada and left so the courts were to decide their fate. He is accused of perjury and dishonest way of amassing a fortune of one billion pesos. Since then the Arroyo presidency has been subject to harsh trials.

Various separatist movements in the South have been linked to global terrorism, which has caused the U.S. to send military aid. The attempted military coup of July 27, 2003 revealed the tensions beneath the surface of the country. A stalemate that lasted 20 hours ended when Arroyo has proposed a five-hour ultimatum. In June 2004 he won a second term as president

Philippines culture

The Filipino culture has been formed as the result of a mixture of foreign influences and native elements.
Although the traditional theater, literature and kundimans (love songs) in the local language regained prominence with the advent of People's Power movement of Corazon Aquino, now the visitor will see contests for beauty, soap operas, movies and action Philippines love of music and local groups inspired by Western pop.vigan
Only 10% of Filipinos (the so-called cultural minority groups or tribal Filipinos) maintains its traditional culture. There are about sixty ethnic clans, among them the Badjao, sea nomads who inhabit the Sulu Archipelago, and the head hunters Kalinga in the north of Bontoc.
Philippines is the only Christian country in Asia, creed professed by over 90% of the population. The largest minority religious group is Muslim, which is the island stronghold of Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago. There were also a Philippine Independent Church, some Buddhists and a small number of animists.
Geography and history of the Philippines contributed to the multiplicity of existing languages, which in total add up about eighty dialects. The concept of national language was developed after the Spanish-American War of 1898 and in 1936 was decreed as the national language Tagalog, although there were other candidates to get this title as cebuano the Hiligaynon and Ilocano. In 1973 it was agreed that the filipino is the official language. It is a language based on Tagalog, but incorporating elements from other languages. Nevertheless, English remains the most widely used in commerce and politics.
Philippine cuisine has been influenced Chinese, Malaysian and Spanish. Designates both the snack snack mid morning to mid afternoon and while the pulutan (appetizers) are served with alcoholic beverages. For dinner style skewered meat or seafood on the barbecue. Among the most popular dishes, always served with rice, include meat and vegetables cooked with vinegar and garlic, simply on the grill, meat stews and a variety of soups: rice, noodles, beef, chicken, liver, bone, kneecap, offal or bitter vegetables. The dishes are accompanied with slices of green papaya, fermented fish or shrimp paste and bits of crispy pork rind. The halo-halo is a dessert made of crushed ice with fruit and caramel, all covered with milk powder

Philippines map