Belgium travel

Travel Tour to Belgium
Tourism culture and History tour

Belgium travel overview

A pitcher of frothy beer, chocolate, paint and bureaucrats, Belgium off to a strong odor bourgeoisie. But if you are still looking for an 'artificial state' roughly made up two thirds of Flemings and Walloons from third. Divided by pride first and then by language, Belgian family shared a strong sense and an indomitable entrepreneurial spirit. And if the Belgian role in the European scene seems to be decreasing, it is because the people hardly boast of it. This country has more history, art, cuisine and architecture per square centimeter as many of its older and noisy neighbors.

best time to visit Belgium

It is usually difficult to find the extreme weather conditions in Belgium. From April to September are the warmest months, but we must not forget that regardless of the season can occur days, gray skies and wet streets. Arguably, the umbrellas and raincoats are almost the Belgian national dress.

Belgium vacation and Holidays

Apart from the traditional Catholic celebration, the festive months are July and August. The first Thursday of July is the Ommegang, a huge parade of nobles dressed in time. Belgian National Day is celebrated on July 21 and marks the opening of the Exhibition of Belgium, which lasts a month

Belgium attraction and places


Brussels is a modest town that combines magnificent buildings with modern skyscrapers classic to which many visitors have become accustomed. Since it is the capital of the European Union, is full of bureaucrats and officials who give the place an air of efficiency without it becoming a place of great animation. The city is built on a pentagon of boulevards known as the Petit Ring. In the center is the Grand Place, brussels which is said to be the Europe's most beautiful square. A twenty-minute walk leads to the area that houses the majority of accommodations in the city, will reach the majority of them by tram, bus or metro.
Near the Grand Place there are several museums, architectural gems and rarities. To the south, you can see the famous Manneken Pis, a statue of a boy doing pee in a street corner. To the north, Tintin lovers should not fail to visit the Comic Strip Center, located in an Art Nouveau building designed by Horta. To the east, near the Royal Palace, the Museum of Ancient Art and the Museum of Modern Art is complemented by brilliant.
In the Rue des Bouchers (street of butchers), near the Grand Place, are the majority of restaurants. In the area you can find specialties such as lobsters, crabs, mussels and fish waiting to be served in a restaurant after another. And none of Brussels sprouts.


The compact city of Antwerp, with a rich history, is one of the tourist resorts around the country side. Situated on the River Scheldt, is bordered by the 'Ring', a railway built in the sixteenth century a moat surrounding the city in a vain attempt to prevent the arrival of the Spaniards.Antwerp

It is one of the most important ports in Europe, has an international air but something left. However, after its humble facade hides the Jewish quarter of the diamond industry more prosperous. Few places combine the old with the (relatively) new one so accomplished. Besides eclectic mansions with art nouveau and neo-Renaissance villas are medieval castles provide a myriad of cafes and a touch of magic.

Antwerp, which houses the largest gothic cathedral in the country (Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Katedraal), and the birthplace of Rubens, is an ideal place for art lovers, architecture lovers and globetrotters aimlessly fixed. In the Royal Museum of Fine Arts you can visit a magnificent collection of paintings of the early Flemish painters. The Antwerp Zoo is also highly recommended for its collection of exotic beasts. Located some 40 km north of Brussels, Antwerp has airport also offers connections by bus or train to Brussels and the neighboring countries.

Bruges is the best preserved medieval city in Europe and the most visited Belgium. This "living museum" of the thirteenth century seems stopped in time since it closed its port. With two medieval centers, the Markt and the Burg, the city also boasts one of the best collections of art in the city. Groeninge Museum displays works by early Bruges Flemish painters and Stadhuis (City Hall) of XIV century contains excellent collections of paintings and furniture. For a spectacular view of the city, to climb the 366 steps to the belfry.
From Antwerp or Brussels can be rea ched this city from the northeast. Coaches from Antwerp and London route for Calais (France) stop at Bruges. Also recommended are visits a day from the city to the poppy fields of Flanders.


If it were not for Paris, Ghent is the largest city of medieval Europe. With a rich history, dominated by the spirit of revolt and industrious effort, is at the confluence of the rivers Scheldt and Lys. Was the scene of bloody battles, led by its citizens, who rebelled against the heavy taxes and restrictions on their civil liberties. Ghent is a city gray and somewhat less picturesque than Bruges, but more realistic. It also has a bell that is worth the climb and the Sint-Baafskathedral (Bavon Cathedral) houses a ghent masterpiece by Jan van Eyck, Adoration of the Lamb.
Situated between Brussels and Bruges, it is best to take the train or coach.

Travelers tend to overlook the far southeast Belgium, with many deep valleys and great forests. This area includes village hidden among the rows of the valleys of the Meuse and Lesse Ourthe or on top of green hills. Was the scene of the Battle of Bulge. There are many routes that allow the most visited cities in the region.
The town of Namur is the best starting point - with a station on the railway line leading to Luxembourg, also has connections to train or bus to some of more difficult access

Jeaneke Pis

You've heard of the statue of the young child is on track to Brussels but did you know that you have a sister? You can visit her in the Rue des Bouchers (street of butchers), where most restaurants in town.
Menin Gate

In the town of Ypres, in this memorial are written the names of 55,000 British soldiers killed in the trenches of Flanders during the First World War. Every afternoon, at 20 h sounds a bugle.
Museum of Fine Arts in GhentTongeren

After about 10 minutes walk to the northeast of the central station of Ghent, the Museum of Fine Arts is well worth a visit. It houses works of the early Flemish artists and a couple of scenes of demonic Bosch.

To the east, near the city of Liege, has the honor Tongeren (near Tournai) to be the oldest city in the country. Founded in the 15th century BC as a base for Roman troops, the city maintains an important collection of Gallo-Roman ruins and is surrounded by Roman walls and medieval

activities in Belgium

Lovers of the outdoors can be directed to the Bulge, the largest forest in the country. In this area you can ski in winter and practice kayak, excursions or out mountain biking, besides having a good network of forest roads. Another possible activity is to visit the prehistoric caves in the area (especially those who are near the cities of Han-sur-Lesse, Rochefort and Dinant), which are interesting for those who enjoy exploring the underground terrain

History of Belgium

The residents of this country, France, Germany and the United Kingdom (across the North Sea) will soon set in Belgium as a nice place to kill each other. Conquered by Germanic tribes, Christianized in the seventh century and divided during the French rule in 1100, much of the country experienced a golden era of prosperity and grand_place_brussels-brussels flourishing of the arts under the French Duke of Burgundy during the fourteenth century. During this period saw the rise of the Flemish towns of Ypres, Ghent and Bruges, principally engaged in the textile industry. With the death of Bruges due to competition from the British and the closure of the river, Antwerp became the first European port.
The golden age began to go into decline in the mid-fifteenth century when the Netherlands were inherited by Spain, and began a long struggle against Spanish domination. Philip II sent the Inquisition to be adhered to Catholicism. Thousands were imprisoned and executed before the outbreak of war in 1568.
Revolt of the Netherlands took 80 years and ended when the Netherlands and the provinces allied to the Spanish thrown. Belgium and Luxembourg remained under Spanish dominion. The defeat of Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo led to the creation in 1814, the United Kingdom of The Netherlands, including Belgium and Luxembourg to the territory of the Netherlands. But the Catholic Belgians rebelled and became independent in 1830.
Despite the neutral position of Belgium, the Germans invaded in 1914. In 1940 the country was again attacked by the Germans, who were with the territory in three weeks. Questioned the rapid capitulation of the king Leopold III led to abdicate in favor of his son, King Baudouin, whose popular reign ended with his death in 1993. By not having children, what happened on the throne his brother Albert II.
The Kingdom of Belgium after the war was marked by economic growth that is later promoted to be designated headquarters of the European Union (EU) and Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO). Belgium today is a country that houses an army of diplomats, with whom he has come a wave of internationalism. While the capital was dedicated to working for the rest of Europe, the rest of Belgians remain unconcerned, the true spirit of the Belgians will continue to emanate from its people and its past.menin-gate
In 1999 Crown Prince Felipe married a speech speech with both ball like flamenco roots.
In 1996, the Belgian government was accused of incompetence in the investigation into a case of pedophilia. This prompted 300,000 Belgians to protest in the streets of Brussels. In 2004, Marc Dutroux was sentenced to life imprisonment for the rape and murder of several adolescents.

In 2003, Belgium agreed to restrict the law of war crimes. These arrangements were carried out under U.S. pressure. Among those charged are George J. Bush Sr. and former Secretary of State Colin Powell

Belgium culture and people

The origin of the diversity of languages in Belgium dates back to the time of the Franks, who was sent to the Celts and Gauls to the southern regions, while the north remained a form of Dutch. Currently, the French is the language of the south. Brussels is one of the few officially bilingual capitals. Most Belgians are Catholics, and despite not practicing, religious traditions still existing in the country every day.
The first Belgian artists credited with the invention of oil painting, so it's no surprise the amount of artwork that has produced the country. The painter Jan van Eyck was pioneered in the fifteenth century, Pieter Brueghel followed with his scenes of peasant life in the sixteenth century, and Pieter Paul Rubens dominated in the art of the early seventeenth century for his use of light during the Baroque. In Antwerp, Rubens has opened a production workshop of painters who left their magnificent religious allegories famous Christ on the cross.
At the end of the twentieth century, originated in Brussels the sinuous Art Nouveau architecture of the hands of Henri van de Velde and Victor Horta. Horta is known for its interior, which prevents the straight lines - the roofs became an extension of the curved walls. The windows and wrought iron were very used to accentuate their creations in the form of coup whip.
The comics are other strengths of the Belgians, and while there are many local artists, Hergé, creator of the reporter Tintin is the best known.
Belgian food is very good reputation throughout Europe. Can be defined as a mixture of French and German, the main ingredients are meat and seafood. The Belgians have invented swear frits (french fries), and judging by their abundance, few dare to discuss. And although it did not invent beer or chocolate, could well have done

Belgium map