The NY Times: Sebastião Salgado

© Sebastião Salgado -All Rights Reserved

The New York Times seems to have caught a photojournalism bug these days. Its photographic offerings are getting better by the day. The recent launching of its LENS blog as well as the ever improving One in a Million multimedia series, have made it a must-go-to destination for photo journalistic fix.

It just published an interesting article entitled Back to Nature, in Pictures and Action on the famed photographer Sebastião Salgado written by Jori Finkel, as well as a gallery Nature, Nurtured of his photographs.

Mr Salgado is working on his epic environmental 8-year project named Genesis, and for which he travels to remote jungle and desert locations. He's photographing the most unspoiled parts of the planet, and visited the semi nomadic Zo’e tribe in the heart of the Brazilian rain forest, trekked desolate stretches of the Sahara, and spent two months in Ethiopia, hiking from Lalibela into Simien National Park to shoot the mountains, indigenous tribes and rare species of animals.

His goal for “Genesis” is to produce a total of 32 visual essays, which he hopes to display in major public parks as well as at various museums starting in 2012.

In my view, one of the best photographers of his generation, if not more. Quite a number of posts on this blog were on Mr Salgado and his photographs, such as Ethiopia's Nomad Warriors, and Amazon Tribes.

The Guardian: Yemen

Here's a Soundslides presentation titled The Secret Life of Yemen, as featured by The Guardian newspaper in the UK, and narrated by Kevin Rushby. It doesn't credit the photographs, but they could be by Bruno Morandi, whose photograph appears on the accompanying article by Rushby.

The producer of the slideshow attempted to use the "flip-book" technique for a sequence of stills to convey dynamic movement, and the sound editing includes both Rushby's narration and a catchy Yemeni folk song...but no ambient sound.

I've always wanted to travel to Yemen, however its bad publicity is a deterrent. Will this slideshow change my mind and others?


VJ Multimedia Workshop

I'm not in the habit of advertising workshops that I'm not directly involved in, or knowledgeable about, but the VJ Workshop announces that it will provide a tuition-free multimedia shooting and production workshop for visual storytellers based in the traditions of journalism.

Their goal is to give back to the visual journalism community by educating a new generation of visual journalists in current practices and strategies. This year, university students and Visual Journalists who were laid off in the past two years will receive a tuition-free workshop.

The workshop is July 30- August 2, 2009 in Ventura, CA. The work will be displayed on and launched on August 2, 2009.

The individuals involved are Tom Kennedy (ex WaPo and NGS), Dave Labelle and others.

Belgium travel

Travel Tour to Belgium
Tourism culture and History tour

Belgium travel overview

A pitcher of frothy beer, chocolate, paint and bureaucrats, Belgium off to a strong odor bourgeoisie. But if you are still looking for an 'artificial state' roughly made up two thirds of Flemings and Walloons from third. Divided by pride first and then by language, Belgian family shared a strong sense and an indomitable entrepreneurial spirit. And if the Belgian role in the European scene seems to be decreasing, it is because the people hardly boast of it. This country has more history, art, cuisine and architecture per square centimeter as many of its older and noisy neighbors.

best time to visit Belgium

It is usually difficult to find the extreme weather conditions in Belgium. From April to September are the warmest months, but we must not forget that regardless of the season can occur days, gray skies and wet streets. Arguably, the umbrellas and raincoats are almost the Belgian national dress.

Belgium vacation and Holidays

Apart from the traditional Catholic celebration, the festive months are July and August. The first Thursday of July is the Ommegang, a huge parade of nobles dressed in time. Belgian National Day is celebrated on July 21 and marks the opening of the Exhibition of Belgium, which lasts a month

Belgium attraction and places


Brussels is a modest town that combines magnificent buildings with modern skyscrapers classic to which many visitors have become accustomed. Since it is the capital of the European Union, is full of bureaucrats and officials who give the place an air of efficiency without it becoming a place of great animation. The city is built on a pentagon of boulevards known as the Petit Ring. In the center is the Grand Place, brussels which is said to be the Europe's most beautiful square. A twenty-minute walk leads to the area that houses the majority of accommodations in the city, will reach the majority of them by tram, bus or metro.
Near the Grand Place there are several museums, architectural gems and rarities. To the south, you can see the famous Manneken Pis, a statue of a boy doing pee in a street corner. To the north, Tintin lovers should not fail to visit the Comic Strip Center, located in an Art Nouveau building designed by Horta. To the east, near the Royal Palace, the Museum of Ancient Art and the Museum of Modern Art is complemented by brilliant.
In the Rue des Bouchers (street of butchers), near the Grand Place, are the majority of restaurants. In the area you can find specialties such as lobsters, crabs, mussels and fish waiting to be served in a restaurant after another. And none of Brussels sprouts.


The compact city of Antwerp, with a rich history, is one of the tourist resorts around the country side. Situated on the River Scheldt, is bordered by the 'Ring', a railway built in the sixteenth century a moat surrounding the city in a vain attempt to prevent the arrival of the Spaniards.Antwerp

It is one of the most important ports in Europe, has an international air but something left. However, after its humble facade hides the Jewish quarter of the diamond industry more prosperous. Few places combine the old with the (relatively) new one so accomplished. Besides eclectic mansions with art nouveau and neo-Renaissance villas are medieval castles provide a myriad of cafes and a touch of magic.

Antwerp, which houses the largest gothic cathedral in the country (Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Katedraal), and the birthplace of Rubens, is an ideal place for art lovers, architecture lovers and globetrotters aimlessly fixed. In the Royal Museum of Fine Arts you can visit a magnificent collection of paintings of the early Flemish painters. The Antwerp Zoo is also highly recommended for its collection of exotic beasts. Located some 40 km north of Brussels, Antwerp has airport also offers connections by bus or train to Brussels and the neighboring countries.

Bruges is the best preserved medieval city in Europe and the most visited Belgium. This "living museum" of the thirteenth century seems stopped in time since it closed its port. With two medieval centers, the Markt and the Burg, the city also boasts one of the best collections of art in the city. Groeninge Museum displays works by early Bruges Flemish painters and Stadhuis (City Hall) of XIV century contains excellent collections of paintings and furniture. For a spectacular view of the city, to climb the 366 steps to the belfry.
From Antwerp or Brussels can be rea ched this city from the northeast. Coaches from Antwerp and London route for Calais (France) stop at Bruges. Also recommended are visits a day from the city to the poppy fields of Flanders.


If it were not for Paris, Ghent is the largest city of medieval Europe. With a rich history, dominated by the spirit of revolt and industrious effort, is at the confluence of the rivers Scheldt and Lys. Was the scene of bloody battles, led by its citizens, who rebelled against the heavy taxes and restrictions on their civil liberties. Ghent is a city gray and somewhat less picturesque than Bruges, but more realistic. It also has a bell that is worth the climb and the Sint-Baafskathedral (Bavon Cathedral) houses a ghent masterpiece by Jan van Eyck, Adoration of the Lamb.
Situated between Brussels and Bruges, it is best to take the train or coach.

Travelers tend to overlook the far southeast Belgium, with many deep valleys and great forests. This area includes village hidden among the rows of the valleys of the Meuse and Lesse Ourthe or on top of green hills. Was the scene of the Battle of Bulge. There are many routes that allow the most visited cities in the region.
The town of Namur is the best starting point - with a station on the railway line leading to Luxembourg, also has connections to train or bus to some of more difficult access

Jeaneke Pis

You've heard of the statue of the young child is on track to Brussels but did you know that you have a sister? You can visit her in the Rue des Bouchers (street of butchers), where most restaurants in town.
Menin Gate

In the town of Ypres, in this memorial are written the names of 55,000 British soldiers killed in the trenches of Flanders during the First World War. Every afternoon, at 20 h sounds a bugle.
Museum of Fine Arts in GhentTongeren

After about 10 minutes walk to the northeast of the central station of Ghent, the Museum of Fine Arts is well worth a visit. It houses works of the early Flemish artists and a couple of scenes of demonic Bosch.

To the east, near the city of Liege, has the honor Tongeren (near Tournai) to be the oldest city in the country. Founded in the 15th century BC as a base for Roman troops, the city maintains an important collection of Gallo-Roman ruins and is surrounded by Roman walls and medieval

activities in Belgium

Lovers of the outdoors can be directed to the Bulge, the largest forest in the country. In this area you can ski in winter and practice kayak, excursions or out mountain biking, besides having a good network of forest roads. Another possible activity is to visit the prehistoric caves in the area (especially those who are near the cities of Han-sur-Lesse, Rochefort and Dinant), which are interesting for those who enjoy exploring the underground terrain

History of Belgium

The residents of this country, France, Germany and the United Kingdom (across the North Sea) will soon set in Belgium as a nice place to kill each other. Conquered by Germanic tribes, Christianized in the seventh century and divided during the French rule in 1100, much of the country experienced a golden era of prosperity and grand_place_brussels-brussels flourishing of the arts under the French Duke of Burgundy during the fourteenth century. During this period saw the rise of the Flemish towns of Ypres, Ghent and Bruges, principally engaged in the textile industry. With the death of Bruges due to competition from the British and the closure of the river, Antwerp became the first European port.
The golden age began to go into decline in the mid-fifteenth century when the Netherlands were inherited by Spain, and began a long struggle against Spanish domination. Philip II sent the Inquisition to be adhered to Catholicism. Thousands were imprisoned and executed before the outbreak of war in 1568.
Revolt of the Netherlands took 80 years and ended when the Netherlands and the provinces allied to the Spanish thrown. Belgium and Luxembourg remained under Spanish dominion. The defeat of Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo led to the creation in 1814, the United Kingdom of The Netherlands, including Belgium and Luxembourg to the territory of the Netherlands. But the Catholic Belgians rebelled and became independent in 1830.
Despite the neutral position of Belgium, the Germans invaded in 1914. In 1940 the country was again attacked by the Germans, who were with the territory in three weeks. Questioned the rapid capitulation of the king Leopold III led to abdicate in favor of his son, King Baudouin, whose popular reign ended with his death in 1993. By not having children, what happened on the throne his brother Albert II.
The Kingdom of Belgium after the war was marked by economic growth that is later promoted to be designated headquarters of the European Union (EU) and Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO). Belgium today is a country that houses an army of diplomats, with whom he has come a wave of internationalism. While the capital was dedicated to working for the rest of Europe, the rest of Belgians remain unconcerned, the true spirit of the Belgians will continue to emanate from its people and its past.menin-gate
In 1999 Crown Prince Felipe married a speech speech with both ball like flamenco roots.
In 1996, the Belgian government was accused of incompetence in the investigation into a case of pedophilia. This prompted 300,000 Belgians to protest in the streets of Brussels. In 2004, Marc Dutroux was sentenced to life imprisonment for the rape and murder of several adolescents.

In 2003, Belgium agreed to restrict the law of war crimes. These arrangements were carried out under U.S. pressure. Among those charged are George J. Bush Sr. and former Secretary of State Colin Powell

Belgium culture and people

The origin of the diversity of languages in Belgium dates back to the time of the Franks, who was sent to the Celts and Gauls to the southern regions, while the north remained a form of Dutch. Currently, the French is the language of the south. Brussels is one of the few officially bilingual capitals. Most Belgians are Catholics, and despite not practicing, religious traditions still existing in the country every day.
The first Belgian artists credited with the invention of oil painting, so it's no surprise the amount of artwork that has produced the country. The painter Jan van Eyck was pioneered in the fifteenth century, Pieter Brueghel followed with his scenes of peasant life in the sixteenth century, and Pieter Paul Rubens dominated in the art of the early seventeenth century for his use of light during the Baroque. In Antwerp, Rubens has opened a production workshop of painters who left their magnificent religious allegories famous Christ on the cross.
At the end of the twentieth century, originated in Brussels the sinuous Art Nouveau architecture of the hands of Henri van de Velde and Victor Horta. Horta is known for its interior, which prevents the straight lines - the roofs became an extension of the curved walls. The windows and wrought iron were very used to accentuate their creations in the form of coup whip.
The comics are other strengths of the Belgians, and while there are many local artists, Hergé, creator of the reporter Tintin is the best known.
Belgian food is very good reputation throughout Europe. Can be defined as a mixture of French and German, the main ingredients are meat and seafood. The Belgians have invented swear frits (french fries), and judging by their abundance, few dare to discuss. And although it did not invent beer or chocolate, could well have done

Belgium map

Philippines travel

Travel Tour to Philippines
Tourism culture and History tour

travel in Philippines overview
The seven thousand islands that make up the Philippines are the major Southeast Asian forgotten: to be removed from the main land route, have never attracted a large number of tourists. Undoubtedly, this has hurt the country economically, but now its reputation for dangerous nation has become obsolete, and most of it has stabilized and is more secure. The country is promoting itself as like the smile of Asia and its people are friendly and helpful. Additionally, transportation is cheap, the food, quality and range of accommodation, wide.
In the Philippines pursues him unfortunately. In 2000, a research center based in Brussels declared the Philippines a country with increased susceptibility to disasters on Earth. Typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides and military action against Muslim insurgents are just some of your problems.

best time to visit Philippines

The best time to visit the country extends from December to May, the low season of typhoons. During the Christmas holidays and Easter increased demand and difficult to find a ticket, regardless of transport.
The most colorful festivals are held during the months of January and May, while the rice terraces of Luzon show their full glory in March and April, this is also the best time of year to travel between the islands

Philippines Vacations and Holidays

New Year's Day is celebrated with great hustle and fireworks. On January 9 will celebrate the Black Nazarene Procession, the largest in the country, which wanders through the streets of Quiapo a statue of Jesus in life-size black wood. Filipino Carnival on Tuesday, the Ati-Atihan, is celebrated during three days of the third week of January in Kalibo (Panay Island). On Friday proliferate flogging, especially popular in San Fernando and Antipolo, near Manila. May also organize other processions, such as the Flores de Mayo in honor of the Virgin Mary. On June 12 is celebrated with military parades on Independence Day

Philippines attraction


Some consider Manila as a city of only about ten million people, access point to other places more interesting. And while the least urbanized areas are a great attraction for the more adventurous traveler, who stay a while in the capital city thmanilaat is home to discover some treasures. Manila is a modern metropolis (was completely destroyed during World War II) which claims to have some beautiful colonial vestiges. The city may be the ideal place for leisure: bars and entertainment venues will keep the traveler in shape and eager to continue the fun for months.

The spectacular bench where rice is grown in Banaue in northern Luzon, have been described by many as the eighth wonder of the world. Excavated from the hillside by Ifugao tribe of the two or three thousand years, is spreading like stone steps to the sky, some up to an altitude of 1,500 m.

The island of Boracay, located on the northwest corner of Panay, regularly appears on lists of best beaches in the world. However, uncontrolled tourism development has hindered the elimination of waste. Environmental tests conducted in 1997 showed that Boracay waters from being polluted and not providing sufficient health guarantees for bathing. Subsequent studies revealed that the waters were within acceptable limits of contamination, and it is true that the beaches of Boracay seemed to have recovered a idílico.Puerto Galera on Mindoro Island, has become the ideal enclave to enjoy the sun. Puraran on the island of Catanduanes, near Luzon, also offers beautiful beaches, reefs and opportunities for surfing, but the currents can be dangerous.mount_pinatubo
Other points of interest

Throughout the archipelago, there are many pockets of great beauty, like the Chocolate Hills of Bohol (Visayas province), the crater of Taal Lake, south of Manila, the burial caves of Sagada, Bontoc and 18 km from the quiet port city of Cebu, where Magellan commanded to erect a cross, marking the beginning of Christianity in the Philippines, and a total of five thousand and even uninhabited islands to explore

Remote islands

The islands north of Bohol are particularly suited for the more adventurous, especially Dibutonay, and Maltatayoc Horse, located in Bay Gutob, between the islands of Busuanga and Culion. Batan Islands in the North, preserved surprisingly, are characterized by difficult access. They offer the possibility to visit remote towns, where you can stay in private homes.

In Northern Luzon, Vigan has remnants of the splendid architectural legacy Spanish. Colonial structures are preserved in very good shape and atmosphere of a unique seventeenth century. The town has several museums dedicated to various national Lake Sebu heroes who were born there.

On the island of Samar in the Visayas, is Viriato, population next to a coastal road with one of the most beautiful landscapes in the country that runs between mountains, steep cliffs, remote islands and beautiful bays full of boats. In the village can also admire great waterfalls and made good hiking.
Lake Sebu

The lake, a beautiful inland sea on the island of Mindanao , is located in the highlands of southern Tiruray, at an altitude of 300 m. The main attraction of this remote enclave is the possibility of knowing the culture and traditional lifestyle. The local tribe, the t'boli remains in an almost total seclusion and is famous for the quality of their work in brass and tissues. The Saturday market is especially lively

Philippines Hotels and activities

Several hotels in the city of Angels offer tours to Mount Pinatubo, which erupted in 1991, leaving behind a striking landscape. You can visit the area on foot across ravines, rent an SUV or to arrange a tour by air. It is also possible to climb Mount Mayon, located south of Luzon and found a perfect volcanic cone. This 2,450 m active volcano has erupted four times since 1968, the last came in February 1993. The escalation requires several days and can Legaspi hired local guides. Other interesting ascents are made at the Mount Taal, south of Manila, with a reputation for being one of the smallest and most dangerous volcanoes in the world, and in the Philippines palawan highest peak, Mount Apo in Mindanao.
Along the east coast of Luzon, particularly in the provinces of Quezon and Bikol, are offered the opportunity to go hiking. For those who choose to avoid motor vehicles, nothing compares with walking through the islands of Batan and Lubango, where horse carts are still the main mode of transport. Wildlife lovers should not miss visiting the island Calauit a reservation where animals are bred African species, such as giraffes, zebras and gazelles, for almost twenty years.
To be composed of about seven thousand islands, the Philippines has a varied practice for diving and snorkelling. Among the areas best Boracay contained, Alona Beach (Bohol), Puerto Princesa (Palawan) and the island of Apo. Those who prefer can navigate by canoe down the rapids of Pagsanjan River, 70 km southeast of Manila, some of whose places may be familiar, since there Coppola filmed part of his film Apocalypse Now. Caving enthusiasts can explore the underground river of Palawan, a labyrinth of caves with a length of 8 km

History of Philippines

The first inhabitants of the Philippines arrived in the country three thousand years ago, probably across a land passage linking it with the Asian continent. The Aetas arrived twenty-five thousand, but were expelled by successive waves of immigrants from Indonesia, followed by the arrival by sea of native Malaysia. In 1380 the makdum of Arabic origin, were established  in the Sulu archipelago and formed what would become a powerful Islamic enclave, which exerted a major influence over the centuries.
island of- Boracay
Ferdinand Magellan landed in 1521 and claimed the islands on behalf of Spain. However, he was killed by local chiefs, who were opposed to his claims. A Magellan followed Ruy López de Villalobos in 1543, named these lands like the Philippines in honor of Philip II. Permanent Spanish occupation began in 1565, six years after the entire country, except the Muslim Sulu archipelago, was under Spanish domination.

In the nineteenth century began a movement for independence and Filipinos fought alongside Americans in the Spanish-American War of 1898. After the Spanish defeat, General Aguinaldo declared the Philippines independent. However, United States bought the islands to the Spanish government for $ 20 million. Finally accepted the independence of the people claimed filipino and in 1935, as pre-independence ultimately, Manuel L. Quezon was sworn in as president of the Philippine Commonwealth. In 1942 Japan invaded the country and maintained their control until the United States occupied it again two years later. In 1946 the Philippines achieved full independence.

Ferdinand Marcos was elected president in 1965. Seven years later, declared martial law and ruled as dictator until 1986. His regime was attacked by both communist and Muslim guerrillas and the president was accused of fraud and rig the elections. The 1983 murder of opposition leader Benigno Aquino led mass protests against the government. In 1986 he held elections in which opposition parties united on Aquino's widow, Corazon. Although both parties claimed victory, Aquino took the reins of power. Initiated a program of non-violent civil unrest that caused the flight of Marcos.
island of Boracay
Aquino restored democratic institutions, but economic problems, the army and the powerful Filipino elite were a burden on its mandate. American influence on the country fell after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 which destroyed the U.S. Clark Air Base. Moreover, the Philippine Senate refused to ratify the lease of the naval base at Subic Bay. Aquino refused to rule on seven hits over his six years in office in 1992 and was succeeded by his defense minister, Fidel Ramos, who tried to revive the economy, attract foreign investment, end corruption and expand infrastructure.

The Philippine government and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (FMLN) signed a peace agreement in September 1996, ending, at least formally, a 24-year war for independence in Mindanao. The agreement provided a grant considerable autonomy to the FMLN in many provinces in Mindanao. But peace does not seem easy to achieve in the area because of the emergence of a dissident group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (FMLI), which opposes the pact. For now, the government continues to conduct military operations in the areas occupied by the FMLI in Basilan and Sulu.

In 1998, Ramos was replaced in office by Joseph Estrada, a former action movie star. He promised major improvements in economic impact and complied, but only for their own benefit. In late 2000 he was charged and tried for receiving bribes from gambling syndicates. The people took to the streets in mass protests in Manila.

On January 19, 2001 Estrada gave in to the popular clamor and resigned, the next day his former vice president, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, was sworn in as new president of the Republic of Philippines. In his inaugural speech he promised to end poverty and corruption. In addition, he resigned to grant amnesty to Estrada and left so the courts were to decide their fate. He is accused of perjury and dishonest way of amassing a fortune of one billion pesos. Since then the Arroyo presidency has been subject to harsh trials.

Various separatist movements in the South have been linked to global terrorism, which has caused the U.S. to send military aid. The attempted military coup of July 27, 2003 revealed the tensions beneath the surface of the country. A stalemate that lasted 20 hours ended when Arroyo has proposed a five-hour ultimatum. In June 2004 he won a second term as president

Philippines culture

The Filipino culture has been formed as the result of a mixture of foreign influences and native elements.
Although the traditional theater, literature and kundimans (love songs) in the local language regained prominence with the advent of People's Power movement of Corazon Aquino, now the visitor will see contests for beauty, soap operas, movies and action Philippines love of music and local groups inspired by Western pop.vigan
Only 10% of Filipinos (the so-called cultural minority groups or tribal Filipinos) maintains its traditional culture. There are about sixty ethnic clans, among them the Badjao, sea nomads who inhabit the Sulu Archipelago, and the head hunters Kalinga in the north of Bontoc.
Philippines is the only Christian country in Asia, creed professed by over 90% of the population. The largest minority religious group is Muslim, which is the island stronghold of Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago. There were also a Philippine Independent Church, some Buddhists and a small number of animists.
Geography and history of the Philippines contributed to the multiplicity of existing languages, which in total add up about eighty dialects. The concept of national language was developed after the Spanish-American War of 1898 and in 1936 was decreed as the national language Tagalog, although there were other candidates to get this title as cebuano the Hiligaynon and Ilocano. In 1973 it was agreed that the filipino is the official language. It is a language based on Tagalog, but incorporating elements from other languages. Nevertheless, English remains the most widely used in commerce and politics.
Philippine cuisine has been influenced Chinese, Malaysian and Spanish. Designates both the snack snack mid morning to mid afternoon and while the pulutan (appetizers) are served with alcoholic beverages. For dinner style skewered meat or seafood on the barbecue. Among the most popular dishes, always served with rice, include meat and vegetables cooked with vinegar and garlic, simply on the grill, meat stews and a variety of soups: rice, noodles, beef, chicken, liver, bone, kneecap, offal or bitter vegetables. The dishes are accompanied with slices of green papaya, fermented fish or shrimp paste and bits of crispy pork rind. The halo-halo is a dessert made of crushed ice with fruit and caramel, all covered with milk powder

Philippines map

Belize travel

Travel Tour to Belize - British Honduras
Tourism culture and History tour

Belize travel overview

Belize , (British Honduras ),, bathed by the Caribbean Sea, is closer to its neighboring islands to the elevating of the rest of Central America volatility. In this tiny country, speaking English, Creole and inherently free with a history of coups, has a calm and relaxed.
Traveling in Belize can be difficult with only three paved roads, the prices are high and hotels and short distance between them. But while in Belize can only be one brand of beer, these difficulties with some of the most exceptional sites for scuba diving, Mayan ruins overlooking the jungle and out of hotels for the adventurous ecotourism more sedentary.

best time travel to Belize

The travel to Belize best time of year to visit the country cover from November to May, the dry season, but these months are also more conducive to winter sports, with higher prices and full hotels. It is cheaper to travel in summer (July-November), but we must bear in mind that this is also the season of hurricanes.

belize vacations

The major national holidays are dictated by the Roman Catholic calendar, but other events include Baron Bliss Day (March 9), in honor of a noble British philanthropist who fell in love with Belize and his death bequeathed his fortune to the people. The Belize National Day (September 10) commemorates the battle of St. George Cay; festivities stretch until Independence Day (September 21). Other important dates are the Columbus Day (October 12) and the Garifuna Settlement Day (November 19), which recounts the arrival from Honduras in 1823, the Garinagus (black Caribs) on board canoes carved trunks. The ideal place to attend this event is the tiny town of Dangriga

Belize Attraction

Belize City

The former capital of Belize can be considered the only relatively large population of the country. Tropical storms that often ravaged the city in the nineteenth and early twentieth century still appeared occasionally, damaging their ramshackle homes of wood, but also clearing the open sewer that crosses the entire city. When there is no storm, Belize City is known for its bustle, heat and humidity. Few come here to holiday or visit their points of interest, but as the nerve center of trade and transport in the country, travelers are likely to be spending some time on it. Belize City can be quite dangerous, especially at night.Belize_City
Haulover Creek, a tributary of the Belize River, divides the commercial center of the northern suburbs. South of Bridge Swing Bridge are various areas of interest, such as Battlefield Park, always bustling with vendors, swindlers and idlers, the Cathedral of St. John (1847), the oldest Anglican church in Central America and important, and the Bliss Institute, the cultural heart of the city. North of the bridge is the Paslow Building, a wooden building that houses the central post office. To the south are located the Image Factory Art Foundation, with exhibitions of artists from Belize, and before reaching the tip of the peninsula, the Belize Audubon Society, a good source of information on national parks and nature reserves of the country.
North Front Street on the north shore of Haulover Creek, is stocked for accommodations. Luxury hotels at the end of the peninsula on the north coast. Albert Street, Regent, King and Orange are the main shopping


290 km long, the reef of Belize to be the longest in the Western Hemisphere. To the west are numerous cays reveling in warm waters up to 5 m deep. The two are the most visited Caye Caulker and Ambergris Cay. The first is considered the island ideal for travelers in economy class, while the latter has a higher grade of hotel complexes.
The Cay Caulker (800 inhab.), 33 km north of Belize City, up to 7 km in length and only 600 m at its widest point. In fact, Caulker was split into two islands, north of the belize population, after Hurricane Hattie in 1961. Mangroves cover much of the coast, shaded by coconut palms. The reef is just a short boat ride from the eastern shore and is ideal spot for diving, scuba diving and fishing. The visibility of the water can reach 60 m depth, being able to perceive the presence of corals and tropical fish. It is inadvisable to swim from the beach to the reef due to the danger of the propellers of ships.
The Ambergris Cay (2,000 inhab.), 58 km north of Belize City is the largest in the country with its 40 km long and its northern end with slash Mexico. As in Caulker, the atmosphere is relaxed, despite the emerging blocks of apartments and other tourist buildings. The reef is located 1 km east of San Pedro, the largest population in the key. Can be made many excursions to places suitable for snorkeling and diving practice, and to turn to other keys in the region, as the Blue Hole, the Half Moon Cay and the Turneffe Islands, the only three coral atolls in the western hemisphere.


These Mayan ruins, only partially excavated and restored, are located in its own archaeological reserve near the settlement of Indian Church. Its 60 major structures include a building height of 34 m from the end of the pre-period, a small temple and a ball. Lamanai (submerged crocodile) was already populated in 1500 BC and became an important ceremonial center with its huge temples long before most Mayan sites. Caracolcaana Aboriginal people lived in their Lamanai until the arrival of the Spaniards, nearby, the ruins of two churches that testify Indian still in Maya to be evangelized. The 90 minutes journey by boat up the river from New River in Orange Walk to Lamanai is an adventure in itself. The boat passes through the Mennonite community of Shipyard and provides the opportunity to see many birds and crocodiles.


Xunantunich (girl rock) is the pride of archaeological Belize. Built on top of a flattened hill, near the Belize River and the Guatemalan border, Xunantunich controlled the road along the river that originates in the hinterland to the Caribbean coast. The population flourished as a ceremonial and, apparently, was abandoned after an earthquake that struck around the year 900 AD Much of the ruins have not been Xunantunich Belize restored, although its tallest building, the impressive castle stands with its 40 m high above the jungle.


Perched at the southern end of a long narrow sandy peninsula in Southern Belize, this quiet beach town justifies each of the jolts and bumps that are felt to run through the tracks of land that are directed to Placencia. The whole business was done by sea, so the main street of the population is only a narrow paved path that does not reach the meter in width. The main attraction of this site focuses on its beaches and water sports, but also offers the option to go fishing, watch birds and manatees, camping on remote cays and take trips to different rivers that run into the jungle or the Reserve Natural Cockscomb Basin, home to jaguars, pumas, ocelots, margays, agouti, anteaters, armadillos, boa constrictor and numerous bird species.
Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve
This forest reserve of 800 km ², anchored in the West virtually virgin terrain, with numerous waterfalls and orchids, parrots, toucans and other exotic species of flora and fauna. In the wet season, the tiresome routes through the forest are insurmountable, but it is this inaccessibility that makes the area remains unexplored, is an ideal location for exploring on foot, horseback or canoe. These tours include the Rain Forest Medicine Trail, a walking trail through the jungle on medicinal herbs; Danakosko Chechem Ha, a Mayan cave full of newly discovered objects and ceremonial pottery; Caracol, a large Mayan city without restoring immersed in the jungle , Thousand Foot (Hidden Valley) Falls, a waterfall 300 m silver is precipitated into a misty valley, and Barton Creek Cave, a cave Maya increasingly popular, but less visited than Chechem Ha, with skulls and bones and fragments of ceramics.
Sanctuary in Bermudian Landing community Mandrel
Sanctuary in Bermudian Landing community Mandrel The black howler monkey is found only in Belize, and this is the ideal location to discover one. The villagers of Bermudian Landing have established a reserve in the jungle close to their population (about 30 miles west of Belize City), with a visitor information center, where exhibitions of this endangered species and two hundred species of animals and birds that inhabit the reserve

Belize activities

The keys and theGreat_Blue_Hole reef of Belize offers all possibilities for swimming, diving, snorkeling, sailing, windsurfing and fishing. It is also possible to canoe down the rivers Macal, Mopan and Belize, around San Ignacio and caves along the river Chiquibul. The best routes for hiking are in the Forest Reserve Mountain Pine Ridge Reserve and the Cockscomb Basin Natural. Birdwatchers can go to rivers, swamps and lagoons of Crooked Tree Nature Reserve, halfway between Belize City and Orange Walk, where flocks of migratory birds arrive between November and May

History Of Belize

Maya and Carib Indians were the first inhabitants of Belize, a territory that was part of the Mayan empire which stretched through Guatemala, southern MexicoCoat_of_arms_of_Belize and parts of Honduras and El Salvador. The classical period of greatest splendor of that civilization began toward the second century AD, reached its splendor between the ages VI and VIII and began its decline in the fourteenth century. When the Spanish arrived in the sixteenth century, many cities were deserted.
Colonizers Belize only appreciated its timber, for the manufacture of dyes. While the country depended on the Spanish governor of Yucatan, it lacked an effective government. This vacuum government with the security provided by the reef that protects its shores attracted English and Scottish pirates during the seventeenth century. When piracy began its decline, many saqueaderos were introduced in the timber trade. Belize was a British tradition and sympathy and when British forces expelled in 1798 for the Spanish Navy's Cay St. Georges. In 1862, while United States was immersed in civil war and unable to comply with its Monroe Doctrine, United Kingdom colonized Belize, which should be known as British Honduras.
After World War II, its economy is weakened, leading to an agitation for independence. Formed political parties and democratic institutions, and in 1964 the nation gained independence. The government decided to build a new capital at Belmopan in 1970, the former capital, Belize City, had been razed after Hurricane Hattie in 1961. Guatemala, which claimed the territory, threatened to declare war in 1972, 1975 and 1977, but British troops are facing in the country to secure a diplomatic solution. Independence was achieved in September 1981 when he became British Honduras Belize, a member of the Commonwealth. During the volatile 1980s, Belize remained stable and pro-United States, thanks to the entry of substantial U.S. aid. In 1991, the new Guatemalan government recognized the country's territorial integrity. The British garrison was withdrawn in 1994, at present, Belize has a regular army of only a few hundred soldiers.George_Cadle_Price
Since the fall of General Noriega in Panama, Belize has become an important port of call for the United States for cocaine from South America. There is also widespread cultivation and smuggling of marijuana.
Belizeans take 20 years fighting for the reinstatement of the indigenous culture. Many Belizeans had to leave the country to make a fortune and send money to support his family.
Prime Minister Said Musa, in power since 1998, has overseen the transformation of the economy of Belize. The services sector especially tourism, now prevalent in places where before prevailing farming, logging and fishing. Belize is hispanizando through its approach to other countries in Central America. Is exposed to the fury of hurricanes in late summer, as Keith and tested hurricane Iris in 2000 and 2001, respectively
The Maya built impressive temples, following the movement of celestial bodies. Although technically it is a culture of the Stone Age, also developed sophisticated mathematical and astronomical calendars in addition to measure time. The Spaniards built churches stone sober but modern architecture is based on the British Caribbean.
The official language of Belize is English, but the Creoles (the largest ethnic group) speak it with their own dialect. Spanish is the language most used in the North and some towns in the West. Also, minorities who are in Maya, Chinese, German Mennonite, Lebanese, Arabic, Hindi and Garifuna (the language of the Garinagu Stann Creek District).
The majority of the population professes Catholicism, and the British influence has made a considerable and varied Protestant congregation, including German and Swiss Mennonite. Mayan practice of Catholicism is marked by a fusion of shamanism, animism and Christian rituals.
Belize has never developed a true national cuisine. Its cuisine is inspired by the British, American, Mexican and Caribbean. Its basic ingredients are rice and beans, often eaten with chicken, pork, beef, fish or vegetables, coconut milk and bananas fried dishes to add a truly tropical taste. The recipes include traditional exotic meat armadillo, venison and fried paca, a rodent similar to a brown guinea pig

Belize map

Two External Backup Hard Drives

Having had the misfortune of frying two of my external hard drives a few weeks ago, I decided to take the example of TheLightroomLab, and get two OWC Mercury Elite-AL Pro 'Quad Interface' FireWire 800/400 + USB2 2.0 + eSATA of 1TB each, and restructure my backup storage system.

Yes, I'm eschewing all advice for a RAID system, DOBRO, and Time Capsule by buying these two behemoths, and doing my backups manually, and mirroring one with the other giving me two identical RAW vaults. The hard drives come with software called Data Backup 3 which is a utility to backup, restore and synchronize data with minimal effort. We'll see how it performs. These two OWC drives will be used for RAW only. The TIFFS, multimedia and all the rest of the stuff will remain spread between 3 Lacie drives.

Call me a dinosaur if you like, but that's my favored system. Copying almost 25% of my library of RAW images from DVDs onto a OWC hard drive is enough to drive one crazy, but I'm lucky that I religiously archived my images on DVDs.

Jodi Hilton: Pakistan's Kalash People

With all the news of Pakistan these days, I thought I'd feature the work of a talented freelance photographer which documents the life of the Kalash people.

Jodi Hilton is a freelance photojournalist based in Cambridge, MA. She works for newspapers and magazines such as The New York Times, People, TIME, The Guardian and others. In 2002, her Master's project Return To Eboli was published in the National Geographic Italy.

Jodi has a number of galleries on her website, but the one that attracted my attention is the one of the Kalash culture. The Kalash are an ethnic group of the Hindu Kush mountain range, residing in the Chitral district of the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. They speak the Kalash language, a member of the Dardic family of Indo-Aryan. Non-Muslims, the Kalash adhere to their own religion, whose mythology and ritual strongly resemble those of the Vedic (Hindu) Indo-Aryans and the pre-Zoroastrian Iranians.

Java Jamboree: Apple Trees in the Tropics!

The air was rather cool when we reached there. It was not just that it was going to be evening -An hour or two perhaps, darkness would fall and like all tropical countries, night was always cooler. But the coolness here was different, it was unlike the coolness of the tropical night which was not really cool at all, what with the discomfort brought about by the high humidity and all. The coolness here was more like the coolness in a temperate country and and it was brought about by the high altitude. We had reached the Agro Park and I assume it was the Kusuma Agro Wisata Park we were visiting. The said Park is one of the spots to go to when travelling out of Surabaya and since it had been touted as an apple and orange plantation in the Batu area, this must be it! Here, there were apples growing out of real apple trees and we were in the the Equator!

Visiting an Agro Park...

Apple trees!

Traveling Tip: Revel in the unexpected!

Java Jamboree: For Adults Only

Forget Kelereng, Bekel or Kuda Lumping - these are just traditional toys for Indonesian children. There is a more interesting game for adults and all you need would be just a bamboo pole smeared with oil. Hang some goodies at the top of the pole and get young men to climb the pole to retrieve the goodies and voila! You'd have an interesting game which brings tremendous delights to both participants and spectators! On our way to Batu, we saw just this game and our guide kindly stopped the car so that we could have a first hand view of the traditional game and take snapshots of it. Then, I remember seeing a bicycle hanging at the top of a bamboo pole in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah and I figure this traditional game was organised in conjuction with Indonesia Independence Day. Indeed, the whole of Java was having a jamboree!

A game for the adults...

Traveling Tip: Go traditional!

Shiho Fukada: The End of Kashgar?

© Shiho Fukada/NYTimes-All Rights Reserved

One of my favorite photographers/photojournalists is Shiho Fukada, and she returns to the pages of The New York Times with photographs of Kashgar made into an audio slideshow titled A City and People At a Crossroads with the narration of Michael Wines (also author of the accompanying article To Protect an Ancient City).

Kashgar is a important hub on the Old Silk Road, a vibrant Islamic centre within Chinese territory, where over a thousand years ago, traders from all over Asia, sold and bought their goods on its streets. It is the largest oasis city in Chinese Central Asia and 90% of its population of over 3,000,,000 are Uygur. Kashgar’s Old City, is “the best-preserved example of a traditional Islamic city to be found anywhere in central Asia,” as wrote the architect and historian George Michell.

The article questions whether the Chinese government's policy to demolish the Old City and replace it with modern buildings is really because of its fear of earthquakes, or motivated by the desire to dilute the Uygur's identity by moving them elsewhere.

Some lovely photographs by Fukada of the Old City, especially the first one in the slideshow.

Upeh Guling Waterfall at Endau Rompin National Park, Johor

Upeh Guling Waterfall at Endau Rompin National Park, Johor. (N2°30.736' E103°20.993')
This is the nearest waterfall from Kuala Marong. It's about 560 meters away from Kuala Marong and it's located between Kuala Marong and Batu Hampar Waterfall.

"From Kuala Marong campsite, a short 15 minutes away is the Upeh Guling Waterfalls, with a series of whirlpools formed by ancient volcanic rocks – supposed to be the oldest existing landmarks in Malaysia at 240 million years old! The waterfall is rather wide and short but we saw at least 4 levels/cascades.
Good place to get a free massage from the falling waters. Interestingly, there were odd-shaped holes at the falls which resembled natural bathtubs. It has it's own legend too..."
-By Snail-Works

The Main Fall of Upeh Guling

The Upper Fall of Upeh Guling

The Upper Fall of Upeh Guling

The natural bathtub by ancient volcanic rocks

The natural bathtub by ancient volcanic rocks

If I cannot reach Buaya Sangkut Waterfall, at least....this is the closer waterfall I can visit! :)

The above photos are provided by Snail-Works. Thanks!

Waterfall at Johor :-
* Pulai Waterfall, Johor
* Sungai Bantang Waterfall at Bekok, Johor
Batu Hampar Waterfall at Endau Rompin National Park, Johor

* Buaya Sangkut Waterfall at Endau Rompin National Park, Johor

* Kota Tinggi Waterfall, Johor

Waterfall at Perak :-
* Lata (Waterfall) Iskandar at Cameron Highland


Travel to Indonesia

Travel Tour to Indonesia

Tourism culture and History tour in Indonesia

Indonesia overview

The islands of the Indonesian archipelago, genuine emerald floating over the centuries have attracted people with very varied. Chinese traders and Indians, European settlers, missionaries proselytizing, intrepid adventurers, mining companies and mass tourism, all at one time or another, have felt trapped by the sandalwood and spice breezes, their way of life and Bali Hai its magnificent beaches, mountains and volcanoes.
But another frequent visitor to the nation is a war correspondent, who came to report on the latest uprising, disturbance or coup d'etat. The stereotype of paradisiac lucky country for its natural resources is often compromised because of the deep racial and religious, despotic autocracy, government corruption, economic mismanagement and natural disasters. Recent developments of sectarian violence and military have made Indonesia a problematic destination for most Western travelers.

best time travel in Indonesia

Although you can travel during the rainy season for most of the country, the time may be an impediment for some activities and by driving muddy roads in less developed areas is complicated. In general, the best time to go to Indonesia coincides with the dry season between May and October.

Christmas holidays attract waves of Australians, and there is an even bigger tourist rush during the summer in Europe. The main Indonesian holiday period is the end of Ramadan, a period in which some resorts are crowded and the prices astronomical amount

Mean Events and Holidays in Indonesia

With its great diversity of ethnic groups, Indonesia has abundant cultural events throughout the year. On Sumba, mock fights, dating back to the era of wars of mutual annihilation, are held in February and March. On the eve of caka Balinese New Year (March-April) sea bathing in the icons of the temples, while the drums to scare away evil spirits to return to their spiritual habitat. During the festival of Galungan Balinese (dates variable), even the gods descend to earth and join the earthly joy. It organizes a spectacular procession on Easter Island Larantuka, duels with whips in Ruteng (Flores) in August, and funeral feasts are held in Toray Celebes (Sulawesi) Central, mainly between August and October. Like most Indonesians are Muslims, many events follow the lunar calendar, so dates are often delayed for about ten or eleven days each year.

attraction and tourism in Indonesia

Bali Indonesia

Bali may seem like a decoration: the terraces of rice paddies climb the hillsidbali_-indonesiaes like giant steps, volcanoes rise beyond the clouds, tropical forests are characterized by their exuberance and the beaches are lapped by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. But the brightness of the idyllic paradise is the work of the international tourism  sector and not the Balinese themselves, which even have a word for paradise in their language and does not reflect the harsh reality of life in the capital, which currently suffers the impact of economic crisis and the collapse of its currency.

Java Indonesia

This island is the political, geographic and economic Indonesian archipelago. Java is a relatively small (about as England) but it inhabit 112 million people, 55% of the population. His silhouette, long and narrow, is surrounded by a chain of volcanic  mountains that make your spine. It was in Java where the Hindu and Buddhist empires reached their best, producing architectural wonders such as Borobudur and Prambanan. When Islam was introduced in the island in the fifteenth century, absorbed the local cultures, rather than cancel, so that Java has a great mix of historical and religious influences. The strong presence of the ancient beliefs and mystical thought in the current Java represents a bulwark against widespread modernization.

Lombok Indonesia

The site consists of empty beaches and quiet countryside, and is dominatedLombok Indonesia by the spectacular Rinjani volcano. The people profess, most of Islam (the sasak), but remain isolated Balinese Hindus. The remarkable sasak culture is characterized by interlocking  their dances, bright and spectacular, and his struggles based on ostentation and rites. Balinese culture survives in Lombok - a vestige of when the Balinese princes controlled the island - and most of the tourist shops are run by Balinese.

Sumatra Indonesia

The island of Sumatra has abundant natural resources and life, remember that huge muddy river Amazon, and some important works of architecture. Its size is almost four times higher than neighboring Java, but hosts less than one quarter of its population. Duri ng the Dutch, supplying large quantities of global oil, rubber, pepper and coffee.  These resources, seemingly inexhaustible, yet maintain the economy indonesia. Sumatra is the home of many races and peoples: the former head hunters and cannibals batak regions of the Muslim culture minangkabau (maternal transmission line) and of the primitive clan Mentawai islands

Komodo and Rinco

These two small islands located between Sumbawa and Flores (East Nusa Tenggara), have achieved fame due to their four-legged inhabitants: Heavy Comodo Dragons. Variable size komodo  indonesia(from a 20 g lizard real monsters to 130 kg), could Enraged. Visitors little apprehensive to attend their banquet organized walking trails and observation by Comodo Dragon, but can be somewhat staged and bloody. If you want access to an alternative less-planned, it should be addressed to Rinco, where spaces have been installed on the intake and look where Lizards depend on luck. Comodo is mountainous and desolate, while Rinco has more life, there are several monkey colonies, wild water buffalo, deer, eagles and wild Turkeys. It has enabled a service for Comodo ferry from Sape (Sumbawa) and Labhuanbajo (Flores). To reach Rinco, should charter a boat.

Flores Island

Nggela, Wolojita and Jopu belong to the island of Flores are renowned for their beautiful ikat sarongs and Shawls. The population of traditional whaling Lamalera in Lembata (in Alor and Solor Archipelago, east of Florida) offers the opportunity to browse among the stranded boat and watch the men make spears. The remaining villagers as whalers, so they are exempt from the international ban on whaling.
Tricolor lakes of Keli Mutu has become the most prominent attraction of Nusa Tenggara. flores The waters of the three volcanic craters are rare habit of changing color in recent times prevail turquoise blue, olive green and black, but a few years ago tended to color teal, maroon and black. Nobody has to explain the origin of the colors and their changes only suggest the hypothesis that in each lake are various dissolved minerals. According to local legend, is that the lakes are home to the souls of the dead. The souls of the young decantarían by the heat of the green lake, those of the turquoise older, more milk, and of Thieves and Murderers of the black lake.
The only moment of the day on which you can see the lake from the upper rim (1.600 m) is the volcanic crater at dawn, before the lower clouds. Visitors entering on the path of 13 km from the nearest town, Moni, can travel on foot, riding a bus or rent a SUV. If you rent a horse to cover the trip, you should check the health of the animal and ensure it is saddle.


Most travelers visit the rugged mountains of Tanatoraja (in central and southern Celebes), and the population of Rantepao attracts many of them. The inhabitants of the region are the Toray, rice farmers, pig breeders and lovers of water buffalo. This town has focused the attention of tourists thanks to its elaborate ceremonies, and burial areas for the traditional houses.
Toray most important ceremonies are related to travel beyond the dead. Without the funeral rites for the deceased's spirit will cause misfortune to their families. The funeral can be extended several days, with hundreds of guests and the sacrifice of many buffalo. The festivities, dances and songs can be supplement with cockfights, sisemba (struggles with your knees) and even buffalo fights, in which animals, very excited by the inclusion of Chile in its rear hook their horns and measured forces.
If the visitor is invited to a ceremony, you should dress respectfully and provided for sharing of gifts, should not sit in areas for the hosts or family members. You can take pictures, but in moderation. The best time to move to embrace Rantepao March to May, although most funeralbunakentrip1 ceremonies are held in the holiday season, July to September. During July and August high season, hotel prices rise with immoderation.
The prosperous city of Manado in northern Sulawesi (Sulawesi), appears as the starting point for discovering the amazing coral reefs offshore, near Pulau Bunaken. There are numerous accommodations, modest but comfortable in Pulau Bunaken, diving instructors and many offer their services, but the best diving is found on the main island of Sulawesi. The coral that inhabit the waters of Bunaken has suffered the neglect of ship traffic, but can be accessed by swimming to the closest point of immersion, which remain intact.
It is possible to rent canoes or small motorboats to reach the most isolated reefs surrounding the islands nearby: Manado Tua, Siladen and Pulau Pulau Mantehage. There is also a daily ferry service between Pulau Bunaken and Manado. In addition to its treasures under the sea, the culture is fascinating to Manado, a hybrid cultures of Indonesia, the Philippines and in southern California, with some very interesting local dishes (also fried field rat) and spectacular volcanoes.


The image of half-naked and covered dayak tattoo skipping through the streets of Balikpapan and Pontianak is unreal, the first impressions of Borneo (Kalimantan) will provide the oil refineries and mills. Timber and mining interests have venture into the forests and mountain ranges that wiped out at an alarming speed, pollute the rivers and leaves of indigenous cultures to the social and economic intrusions of the twentieth century.

The well-known representations of Borneo originate in exaggerated stories of the early European explorers, but the stories about the island of Kalimantan and the Dayak peoples of ethnicity provide interesting ideas for captions: tattooed head hunters, tribes and exotic wildlife disappeared. Samarinda is the best starting point for navigating the river by boat to small towns such as Tanjung Isuy, Muara Muntai, Malacca (with its forest of orchids in 20.234 km ²) and Long Iram. Unfortunately, in some Precincts tour packages are offered for groups of visitors seeking a true picture of life for dayak and pay by the hour to see the primitive cultures. Tanjung Putting National Park in Borneo (Kalimantan) Central houses a wide variety of flora and fauna: alligators, binturongos, Orangutans, monkeys and dolphins.Bali_Indonesia_Water_Palace

The appropriate time to approach the equatorial river city of Pontianak, on Borneo (Kalimantan) West coincides with the sunset when the lights are the floating houses on the majestic river. It is advisable to move the channels to go through the city and soak up the atmosphere Chinese-Indonesian. In the afternoon, in the rickety wooden Piers on the southern shore, meet many young people to fly kites huge role. The most notable sites include the current mosque Mesiyi Abdurrajam schooners and Javanese style and celeb Pinisi port. The pristine beaches of Pasir Panjang is located in the vicinity and the city is an ideal starting point for trips to the Kapuas.

The thousand islands of Maluku (Maluku) have become legendary for its spices, which attract merchants Indian, Chinese, Arabs and later Europeans, who demanded Cloves, mace and nutmeg, spices that grow here. At present, these islands, divided by a vast ocean, offering a tropical landscape with a Polynesian atmosphere, exotic birds, old forts, towns and beautiful beaches, dive sites suitable for ... without any pollution or sellers. Most travelers heading to Ambon, Ternate and the bands, taking as a basis to access the many tiny islands away from the tourist circuit. But the violence shook Ambon in 1998 and 1999, as a result, fled tens of thousands of refugees and the island has disappeared from the tourist routes. If you travel by boat, it would take at least five weeks to recognize the islands, and a minimum of three weeks if you are traveling by plane.
Irian Jaya

This island can be considered one of the last wild corners of the globe. Papuans, who share the island with its eastern Papua New Guinea, are related, culturally and ethnically, with the Papuans of New Guinea, and are similar to the Melanesian South Pacific. Living in one of the most rugged land of the globe (from snowy mountains to mangroves), with fantastic jungle scenery, equatorial glaciers, birds and animSumatra Indonesiaals in abundance and ideal for trekking. It should be stressed Baliem valley, with its unique culture and numerous walking tracks, Sentani, travel by boat around Lake Sentani and Kota Biak for access to the immersion. One should not underestimate the size of West Irian or time or money going to cost displacement, there is no one road to the major cities, and ships are slow and irregular, so the air is often the only option. Incorporation into Indonesia, migration and indiscriminate logging and mining dislike the Papuan indigenous: it has formed a guerrilla movement fighting for a free Papua for nearly thirty years. Requires permission from the local to move many areas.

activates in Indonesia

There are places suitable for diving (with or without tube) in the waters of Bali (Nusa Dua, Sanur, Padangbai) between Comodo and Labuhanbajo in Florida and around the islands of Banda and Pulau Biak, off the northern coast of Irian Western (Irian Jaya). The sea gardens of Sulawesi, particularly around Manado, are legendary. The most popular sites for surfing is located in Ulu WATU (in Bali), Grajagan (in Java) and Nias (opposite Sumatra), but you can enjoy this sport on the southern coast of most of the islands Nusa Tenggara. Windsurfing enthusiasts will enjoy the beaches in the south of Bali. Rafting appears as a new activity for the moment that you can practice on the river Ayung Bali.
Sumatra has attractive walking tracks through the jungle, especially in the Gunung Leuser National Park. Berastagi and Bukit Lawang are also popular for trekking in Sumatra. In the jungles of Borneo and West Irian this is an adventure. For those who want to reach the highest, Mount Bromo in Java and Bali Agung can climb in a day, Gunung Rinjani, the volcano that dominates Lombok, deserves an exhausting trip of three days.

Indonesia History

It is likely that the first inhabitants of the Indonesian archipelago originated in India or Burma. In 1890, there were fossils of Java Man (Homo erectus), some five thousand years old, in East Java. Later, around 3000 BC, the Malays of southern China and Indochina populated archipelago. Java and Sumatra appeared stronger communities, such as the Buddhist Srivijaya empire and the Hindu Mataram kingdom at the end of the seventh century. The last Hindu kingdom of importance was the mayapahit, founded in the thirteenth century. In the fourteenth century, the expansion of Islam through the archipelago mayapahit the people forced to retreat to Bali in the next century.indonesia history
At that time, had already formed a strong Muslim empire based in Melaka (Malacca), the Malay Peninsula. His influence was short-lived and fell under Portuguese domination in 1511. The Dutch displaced the Portuguese and launched raids into Indonesia. The Dutch East India Company, based in Batavia (Jakarta) dominated the spice trade, and controlled Java in the mid eighteenth century, when it was in decline. The Dutch dominated the early nineteenth century and included in their domains across the archipelago, including Aceh and Bali in early-twentieth century.
Among the growing nationalism and the Japanese occupation of the archipelago during World War II, the decision of the Dutch broke, and finally transferred sovereignty to the new Republic of Indonesia in 1949. Achmed Soekarno, the main advocate of the self since the beginning of the 1920s, was named president. In 1957, after a period of parliamentary democracy aimlessly, Sukarno dissolved the parliament, declared martial law and initiated a more authoritarian style of government, which defined the euphemism of guided democracy. And command, Sukarno consolidated his power through the construction of monuments and the socialization of the economy, a decision that increased the gap between rich and poor and left much of the population to the brink of starvation. Rebellions broke out in Sumatra and Sulawesi, Indonesia and Malaysia are dangerously close to a direct confrontation and instability increased. In 1965 there was an attempted coup (purportedly by a Communist group) threatened to remain in power Sukarno.

The president came out victorious in this situation, but was defeated when General Soeharto, who is responsible for crushing the coup, he seized the presidency in 1966. Soeharto introduced a proposed policy changes, but the promises of economic reform and greater transparency in government soon degenerated into a nepotism, cronyism and excessive costs, coupled with the brutal massacre of East Timorese nationalists in Dili in 1975. In March 1998, Soeharto was totally isolated from the people and announced that only five years would remain in office. Therefore fail to meet in late May of that year, his post was occupied by Vice President Jusuf Habibie.

Habibie, who had never enjoyed great popularity, reiterated the same promises of reform, and even seemed likely to grant independence to East Timor. The uncompromising stance with regard to this land led to a chain reaction and sectarian violence, student protests and increased demands for independence were reproduced in Ambon, Borneo (Kalimantan) and West Irian (Irian Jaya). Several groups of offenders, controlled and financed by the Indonesian army as the general belief was revealed in East Timor after the referendum of 1999, concluded with an overwhelming majority vote for independence. Local police forces and the army were sent to crush rebellions other; student protesters were killed in the streets and the country became an inferno.

It is likely that the first inhabitants of the Indonesian archipelago originated in India or Burma. In 1890, there were fossils of Java Man (Homo erectus), some five thousand years old, in East Java. Later, around 3000 BC, the Malays of southern China and Indochina populated archipelago. Java and Sumatra appeared stronger communities, such as the Buddhist Srivijaya empire and the Hindu Mataram kingdom at the end of the seventh century. The last Hindu kingdom of importance was the mayapahit, founded in the thirteenth century. In the fourteenth century, the expansion of Islam through the archipelago mayapahit the people forced to retreat to Bali in the next century.

At that time, had already formed a strong Muslim empire based in Melaka (Malacca), the Malay Peninsula. His influence was short-lived and fell under Portuguese domination in 1511. The Dutch displaced the Portuguese and launched raids into Soekarno Indonesia. The Dutch East India Company, based in Batavia (Jakarta) dominated the spice trade, and controlled Java in the mid eighteenth century, when it was in decline. The Dutch dominated the early nineteenth century and included in their domains across the archipelago, including Aceh and Bali in early-twentieth century.

Among the growing nationalism and the Japanese occupation of the archipelago during World War II, the decision of the Dutch broke, and finally transferred sovereignty to the new Republic of Indonesia in 1949. Achmed Soekarno, the main advocate of the self since the beginning of the 1920s, was named president. In 1957, after a period of parliamentary democracy aimlessly, Sukarno dissolved the parliament, declared martial law and initiated a more authoritarian style of government, which defined the euphemism of guided democracy. And command, Sukarno consolidated his power through the construction of monuments and the socialization of the economy, a decision that increased the gap between rich and poor and left much of the population to the brink of starvation. Rebellions broke out in Sumatra and Sulawesi, Indonesia and Malaysia are dangerously close to a direct confrontation and instability increased. In 1965 there was an attempted coup (purportedly by a Communist group) threatened to remain in power Sukarno.

The president came out victorious in this situation, but was defeated when General Soeharto, who is responsible for crushing the coup, he seized the presidency in 1966. Soeharto introduced a proposed policy changes, but the promises of economic reform and greater transparency in government soon degenerated into a nepotism, cronyism and excessive costs, coupled with the brutal massacre of East Timorese nationalists in Dili in 1975. In March 1998, Soeharto was totally isolated from the people and announced that only five years would remain in office. Therefore fail to meet in late May of that year, his post was occupied by Vice President Jusuf Habibie.

Habibie, who had never enjoyed great popularity, reiterated the same promises of reform, and even seemed likely to grant independence to East Timor. The uncompromising stance with regard to this land led to a chain reaction and sectarian violence, student protests and increased demands for independence were reproduced in Ambon, Borneo (Kalimantan) and West Irian (Irian Jaya). Several groups of offenders, controlled and financed by the Indonesian army as the general belief was revealed in East Timor after the referendum of 1999, concluded with an overwhelming majority vote for independence. Local police forces and the army were sent to crush rebellions other; student protesters were killed in the streets and the country became an inferno.

After several acts of international diplomacy, the United Nations and Australia were involved: the United Nations sent a symbolic number of troops to show their disapproval of the methods in Indonesia, while Australia sent a contingent of his army to East Timor. Indonesia considered it an act of aggression and interference in its domestic politics and the situation reached a high degree of tension. And veiled threats were launched contraamenazas, but none was implemented. Finally, when the atmosphere calmed down, East Timor had received the self so fresh from the ruins of their own country; Habibie had withdrawn from the scene, held the power D. Abdurrahman Wahid, the first democratically elected president, had resigned, General Wiranto, head of the Indonesian army, paramilitary groups were again mixed with the residents of Jakarta, the rupee remained volatile and the relations between Indonesia and Australia remained tense and intermittent but improved slightly. On July 23, 2001 the parliament deposed Indonesian president Wahid for incompetence and corruption, and was replaced by Vice President Megawati Sukarnoputri, the daughter of Sukarno. Megawati, social stability and economic growth. However, he could not fight corruption legislation.

Indonesia Culture & people

Over time, social norms and religious have been refined into a code of behavior called adat or traditional law. Islam, religion in the archipelago, coexists with elements of Hinduism, Buddhism, adat and animism. Especially in Java where there are hundreds of sites, it is believed, has the spiritual energy that can absorb the faithful. Despite the long colonial period, the missionaries succeeded in converting only a small population groups indonesia: the Batak of Sumatra, Sulawesi and the torakos of 95% of the population of Flores are notable examples.312-459~Yali-People-Dancing-at-a-Ceremony-Membegan-Irian-Jaya-New-Guinea-Indonesia-Posters

In the archipelago more than three hundred languages spoken, and most part of the Malay-Polynesian language group. Within this family there are many regional dialects and speeches. The lingua franca of the archipelago, Bahasa Indonesian, Malay is very similar, with many foreigners, shows the time that Indonesia has been in  contact with other cultures. In recent years, teenagers have turned Bahasa Indonesian in a new vernacular and own the latest trends called Bahasa prokem quite incomprehensible to the previous generation.

Batik fabrics are manufactured (method is to apply wax to the fabric and then some color with colorful designs and spectacular) in Indonesia, but the center of production is in Yogyakarta, Java. Other crafts include indonesia ikat, a form of weaving with dyed yarns, and songket, a silk fabric embroidered with gold thread or silver, and Kris, designs often decorated with jewels. Guignol with the Javanese Wayang (puppet) and gamelan (hypnotic music composed mostly of percussive instruments) are also popular artistic forms.

Many Indonesian dishes reflect Chinese influences, but there are others, like those from Sumatra Padang cuisine, typical of the area. The sale of snacks such as potato, nuts, candy, cookies or fruit is widespread. Rice is the basis of every meal, whether it is as if the soup is blended in an assortment of spicy and highly seasoned dishes, salad and pickles. The Nasi goreng (fried rice) can be considered the most common dish, among other highly prized are the sate (skewered meat with peanut sauce and spices), the Gado-Gado (vegetables and beans with peanut sauce) and seafood. This land has a variety of tropical fruits: cherimoya, durians, guavas, bread fruit tree, mangoes, papayas, rambutan and carambola.

Indonesia Map
