Travel to Canada

Travel Tour to Canada

Tourism Culture and History tour

Canada Overview

The perception is that most of Canada is based on its vast distances, its rich natural resources and its flag. It is indisputably associated with Niagara Falls and its current maple paradise. However, their ethno-cultural diversity provides an added value to its natural wonders.
The contrasts between the indigenous and European traditions endow the country with a complex character, which also receives the constant influence of American culture and customs of all imported from Asia and Latin America of skilled immigrants. The result is a heterogeneous society thriving in the process of forming their own identity. Those who feel that Canada is merely a replica of his more moderate southern neighbor, they should revise their prejudices before entering the country: its sparsely populated northern frontier, which has gradually been forming in the soul of the nation, its mix of people and led to an area that has little to do with United States.

Canada best time to travel

The best time for skiing in Canada ends in early spring. Camping or go to the extreme north, is preferable in July and August. The high season begins in June and lasts until September. In spring and autumn, and receive fewer visitors, Canada offers lower prices and a more relaxed atmosphere, but we must bear in mind that some of the attractions and tourist facilities remain closed.

Canada Festival and Holidays

The Winter Carnival in Quebec City, which takes place between February and March, is famous for its parades, dances and music, as well as its ice sculptures and snow slide. In Ottawa Winterlude festivities in February, a festival in honor of the snow. The Montreal Jazz Festival in June and the International Jazz Festival Ottawa in the next month, to gather local musicians and performers of recognized international scene. The two major events in Toronto are the Caravan, cultural music, dance and ethnic cuisine that takes place in mid-August, and in June, the Gay Pride Parade, which runs through the streets of downtown of the city in September highlights its famous International Film Festival. In Calgary, it was organized in July, the popular Calgary Stampede, with its famous race cars and rodeo. The west, the city of Victoria hosts the Festival in August of the first settlers, with crafts, dancing and walks in war canoes.

Canada Best Places to travel


The capital of Canada extends to the southern shore of the Ottawa River at the eastern edge of Ontario. It is the seat of city government, and is characterized by the Parliament buildings, neo-Gothic style. You hear a lot about French, because the staff must be bilingual. There are too many exciting things to do in Ottawa, apart from being in a capital, but the air is clean, the streets are wide, there are many public parks and people seem happy and healthy because people are going to work or walk. In the city there are many impressive buildings, as often occurs in the majority of capital: the War Museum (with an actual size replica of a trench in the First World War), the Royal Mint, several houses inhabited by ministers and museums do justice to the icons of the country, nature, aviation, science and technology, agriculture and skiing. Ottawa also houses the art collection of the most important country in the National Gallery, which displays a selection of American and European works. In summer, the city is full of color with the red uniforms of the Royal Canadian Mounties, the mounted police.

The Rideau Canal divides downtown Ottawa in the east and the west shore. In the east, there are numerous guest houses, many with an important heritage. The motels are clustered in Rideau Street to the east, and Carling Ave on the west bank of the city. Byward Market, east of the canal, focuses cheap places to eat, and in the western part is more expensive restaurants.

The largest city in Canada is known for its multiculturalism. In its streets you can hear more than 100 languages and an estimated 40% of the population was born outside the country. The symbol that identifies the city is the CN Tower, the tallest structure independent world. Harbourfront is a good place for a walk or eat in a renovated warehouse. The city has a lot of good museums, from the Bata Shoe Museum (Museum of shoes) until may of Fame Jockey, which is located in a beautiful building. Some of the best preserved buildings can be seen in York Old Town, with an incomparable collection of domestic architecture in Cabbagetown. And just two hours by car is one of the most popular attractions, especially for Americans, Niagara Falls.

The passion and pride are so entrenched in this elegant island are bilingual as deep water around it. Founded in the religious zeal and a center for the fur trade, Montreal experienced the struggles between British and French, but, fortunately, today only fought at the polls.

Mont Royal, 232 m, is the highest mountain in the area and it comes from the name of the city. The Old Montreal some architectural jewels of the eighteenth century, as the museum of archeology and history of Pointe-à-Callière. When the weather gets worse (the winter in this city is famous for its inclement weather), the right is the cozy refuge underground maze of restaurants, shops and bars.

Most hotels are located on the west side of the center of the city, but getting a room during the summer or Christmas is almost a battle. The nightlife in Montreal is quite hectic and is defined by two different styles, the English and French. Moreover, this is the city where the clubs closed later. In recent years, the best clubs have been established around the Plateau, the south end of town.

This city, one of the finest American country, won the heart of the traveler without much effort. From the hill on which it is built, or from the many bridges that cross, you can enjoy breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean, the bay and the city itself. The climate is mild, according to the parameters Canadians, and the atmosphere is cheerful and carefree Californian style that makes even their neighbors Americans discard in praise. The city center offers a vivid mosaic of interesting attractions for tourists, ranging from the refurbished Victorian charm of the old town of Gastown to the leafy spaces of Stanley Park, one of the largest in the world within a city. Vancouver also has a very short distance from famous sandy beaches where surf, such as Wreck Beach, and numerous opportunities for hiking, white water or off at picnics in the same city. In the vicinity is Vancouver Island, where you can take whale watching and enjoy countless natural wonders. Needless to add that, in summer, Vancouver is full of visitors.

Along the border between Alberta and British Columbia, the Rocky Mountains are located within national parks two giants: the Banff, south and Jasper to the north. Banff National Park was the first official sanctuary for wildlife in Canada, and today the city that gave its name has become the first resort of the country, both summer and winter, while the Jasper National Park is largest unexplored.

The magnificent Lake Moraine, turquoise waters, is in Banff, despite the danger of becoming one of the most exploited of the country, it is one of the most beautiful natural attractions in Canada. Jasper and Banff parks are linked by the Columbia Icefield, a large block of glacier ice in the period, comprising about thirty glaciers. This area offers other options, like walking through the park, swim, visit caves, go camping, hiking, canoeing down, soak in hot water or climb mountains. The Rocky Mountains, the quintessence of Canada, also offer plenty of places to stay, at prices which generally are lower on the edge of Jasper Park.
Great Plains

From the base of the Rocky Mountains and in the direction of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, the broad plateau stretching from Canada in the heart of the area, covered with golden wheat and sunflowers. It is not uncommon to hear the locals complain that, despite the beauty of the Rocky Mountains, they impede the spectacular scenery. Among the most popular areas of interest in Alberta is the curiously named heritage of the Blackfoot Indians, consisting of the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, near the fort Macleod. Riding Mountain National Park, with 3,000 km2, is an oasis among the wooded grasslands of Manitoba, where bison roam much as cyclists. In the region of Saskatchewan, grasslands alternate with evocative names of national parks, and there are more routes on roads canoe. Yorkton, a town north of Crooked Lake Provincial Park, is one of the surprises that holds this area. Here the churches with onion domes reflect the heritage of the Ukrainian culture. South of this tiny village is located Rocanville, one of the villages specialized in crop circle in modern Canada.
Nordic Arctic Games

The cold Inuvik, a town located in the far north and clear example of the glacial climate in Alaska itself, often hosting the Games in the Nordic Arctic. In this celebration recreational sports highlights sports traditional Dene and Inuit, as well and dance contests and an area where there are displays local crafts. Another activity of these games is based on a contest called The good woman, which assesses the abilities of local people in activities which consist, for example, skinning animals.
Wells Gray Provincial Park
Through the Yellowhead Highway provides access to the Cariboo Mountains in British Columbia, form the vast virgin Wells Gray Park, one of the least visited of the country. Of the many beautiful waterfalls that are in it, are the most spectacular waterfalls Helmcken River Murtle, with a drop of 137 m.
Potato Museum in Prince Edward Island
At the frontier of rural Prince Edward Island (PEI), on the eastern edge of Canada, the town of O'Leary internal rewards its visitors with the Museum of PEI Potatoes, where you will find all the information existing This tuber, of the Irish diet. A curious fact reported that 85% of the potatoes grown in North America end up being fried. The museum houses several historic buildings including a restaurant specializing in cuisine based on this food.
Nature Reserve Narcisse
The town of Narcisse, Manitoba, is the meeting place for lovers of the snakes, as in the province to over 10,000 of these reptiles. Lake Manitoba is considered to be the Loch Ness Canadian, as the locals claim to have seen a creature shaped like a giant snake and horse's head to die at the hands of the government under the night and then was transferred in a truck an unknown place. Whether true or not, it must be remembered that since the seventies have been explained many stories of this kind.

Canada map