Rhino Terrace Bar & Grille, Johor Bahru

Rhino Terrace Bar & Grille (N1°27.669' E103°44.562')

It's located just opposite the Hyatt Regency Hotel of Johor Bahru. It's also in the same building of JCSC (Johor Civil Service Club).

The reason I blog about this pub because it is the only pub without air-conditional at Johor Bahru! The Bali style design really attract me! The bar counter located in the middle of the pub as a island, and all the customers can choose to sit along the bar counter or the beautiful sofa beside....

The bar counter

The Comfort Corner

They were having a Halloween Beerfest on that day during my visit on October 2008. They charge MYR80.00 per head for foods and drinks on the house! Eat and drink as you can! Hopefully they will organize it this year!

Below 18 years old will not allow to go in! No children!

The Draft beer

The hard liquor and Whiskey

The artist was preparing the mug for everyone that night...

The mugs will be giving free for those who attend the Beerfest!

Another angle of the pub

Pay a visit if possible, feel the different with other pub in Johor Bahru. You won't have the disgusting cigarette smell on your shirt when you step out.

The pub open for business from 5pm-1am everyday.

Mr Fan - The friendly boss of the Pub