Firefly at Kota Tinggi, Johor.

This is one of the Tourist Attraction at Kota Tinggi Town.
It's located at the Johor River bank after the bridge. Once you pass the bridge of K.Tinggi, turn right and find your way to the riverbank (N1°43.588' E103°53.992'). You will notice the Jetty looks like the picture below.....

If my memory serve me right, the boat ride is 45 minutes (after 8pm) and MYR15.00 per person (I forgot the fare for children, sorry). It's about 5-10 minutes from the Jetty to the Firefly area. The boatman also is your tour guide. He will explain everything about the Firefly and also the rules & regulation.

I can't provide the pictures about the Firefly because of my poor photography skill....Apologies....

While on the way back, the boatman will stop at one of the tree which is home of the OWL. Before the boat reach the Jetty while on the way back, he will make an u-turn under the Kota Tinggi Bridge and surprise you with FULL of Swallow bird nest! Yes, it's all under the bridge.
Then you will end the journey of the boat ride.

The Rules :-
1) Do not catch the Firefly (You can temporary catch it, but have to let it go before the boat reach the jetty)
2) Do not use your camera 'Flash' (because you will "kill" the firefly)

During the Johor Flood on 2006, the boat owner had volunteery make use of his boats for Rescue purpose. Kudo's to the Boss!!

Related posts :-
* Hike on Mountain (Gunung) Panti, Kota Tinggi, Johor.
* Hiker Guide on Gunung (Mount.) Panti, Johor
* Riverside Restaurant, Kota Tinggi, Johor