Borneo Break: At a Melanau Traditional House

The morning before we left Mukah for Sibu which was a 3 hour ride and 250km away, we had visited Lamin Dana Melanau Cultural Centre. Lamin Dana is a Melanau traditional house, a longhouse too, I suppose and over here in Mukah, one could rent a room to put up a night if one wants to have a Melanau feel and to visit a sago processing house to see how sago flour is traditionally produced. Otherwise, one can just pay RM 3 per person to look around the place. We did just that as you can guess and luckily for us, Miss Saw was there to point out to us a traditional resting place for a Melanau chieftain. In the past, respected Melanau leaders upon death would be placed to rest on a totem-like structure and the one at the centre, looked like an old tree trunk and was said to be over 200 years old and one of the last remaining ones...

At Lamin Dana Melanau Cultural Centre...

Inside the Lamin Dana...

A resting place for a Melanau Chieftain in the distance...

Sago plants....

Time to go...

Traveling Tip: Visit places of Culture!