Pilgrimage Special: Leaving New Delhi

New Delhi was the last leg of our trip. We spent the whole day sightseeing. The last time I was here, I had visited a fabulous ancient Red Fort but this time around, we visited some of the newer places like the Lotus Temple, India Gate and of course, Shri Lakshmi Naim Temple which was built by Shri Seth Raja Baldav Das Birla in 1938. I had been to this temple previously but this time round, I visited it at night.The temple seemed to turn orange at night with all the lightings, quite a sight yet I think but northern Hindu temples really do not look as colourful as Southern Hindu temples and I suppose, they are not as elaborate too. Well, that about wrap up my pilgrimage trip to India. After that, it was off to Indira Gandhi International Airport where we were to board a plane to Kuala Lumpur and then to Penang. Goodbye India for now and I'll be looking forward to seeing you!

Coming up next: Borneo Break!
The Shri Lakshmi Naim Temple...

Yeong Ming and his family at the airport...

Travel Tips: You can visit the same place at different time of the day and ends up delighted!