Pilgrimage Special: Haggling in a Bus

In Agra, the plan was this: We would have breakfast in our hotel and then we would leave for the city's most famous tourist spot - the world renown Taj Mahal. and the Red Fort. Some of us would also take an optional tour. We would go off to Madurai, in search of King Asoka's teacher. But then, plans were plans. Instead of reaching Agra at around six in the morning, we reached very much later, most probably at nine or ten and when a bus picked us up, there was much talk and haggling about what we should do next. With the time constraint, it would be impossible to really enjoy Taj Mahal, the Red Fort and Madurai all at the same time since the latter was a town quite a distance away unlike Taj Mahal and the Red Fort which were just in town. So, we haggled in the bus: We could either visit Taj Mahal and Red Fort or we could opt just for Madurai...

A roadside peddler in Agra...

Our hotel in Agra - Holiday Inn...