A Pilgrimage Special: Pilgrims' Progress

At Sujata Village, we were swarmed by locals out for a handout. Young or old, handicapped or not, these people were very persistent and to some extent annoying. There were a few men who dragged their lifeless limbs after us and some of us obliged with a dollar or two, never for once I suppose, wondered if there was a syndicate behind it; that there was a Fagin, the one featured in The Parish Boy's Progress aka Oliver Twist! An old man followed us everywhere we went, muttering in English that he was poor and had no family and of course , needed some rupees. Little healthy boys and girls stalked us too as if it was part of a daily routine. Some were straightforward in asking for money, their smiling faces indicating that it was fun too! Others were more tactful, chatting you up and thawing you for the final bombshell questions Are you going to help him? Don't you want to help him? Are you sure you don't want to help him? At Sujata Kuti, when we were admiring the stupa, there were also a few young men and women who armed with a receipt book, asked for a donation for their little school. Each claimed to be the director of the little school for Buddhist children nearby and when asked why the school didn't seek help from the big Mahabodhi Society in Bodhgaya, we were told that the Mahabodhi Society people being Sri Lankans were wary of them, Indians. Buddhism I suppose fails here when racism reigns supreme. Some of the pilgrims however were very kind indeed to donate.They were neither Sri Lankans or Indians and there was no bad blood between them...

At Sujata Village...

A School at Sujata Village... Check this out http://sujatasdream.org/