A Pilgrimage Special: A Gathering of Monks

No wonder there were so many Tibetans at Mahabodhi Temple! When we were in Lumbini, Nepal, our group had visited a meditation centre and according to a Japanese nun there, the head monk was away in Bodhgaya. Apparently, he was attending a big gathering and three days later, when we were at Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya, we were confronted with a sea of Tibetans in their trademark red robes. A festival was going on, a gathering of monks, I suppose. The sixth gathering of Jonang Monlam Chenmo was on and indeed, I felt extremely lucky to be walking amidst the group of pious people! Bodhgaya has always been teeming with Buddhist activities relating to the Tibetans and I have read that the Dailai Lama himself had graced some of the events...

At the sixth Jonang Monlam Chenmo...