Scouring North India

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In India, I remember we traveled a lot by train. From New Delhi, we took a train down south to Agra and then Jaipur. Then, it was by train too that we went further down to Varanasi, before going up again to New Delhi, Simla and back again to our starting, New Delhi, that is. Some of the journeys seemed to last so long. We usually traveled at night. When we slept in the bare bunk, it was terribly, terribly cold. Once, while going to Varanasi, the train was delayed for one whole day and we shivered as we sat on a bench that night, waiting for the train which never seemed to come. Then, we realized that there was actually a warm room for passengers to wait in. In fact, there are also hostels in train stations for passengers to put up the night too but if you do not book in advance; getting a place to sleep may sometimes be a hassle. In any case, if you have nowhere to put up, you can always sleep anywhere convenient. In Varanasi, an ancient city which attracts a lot of Hindu pilgrims, there was such a big crowd and many had to sleep on the floor of the train station. Do be prepared then if you are backpacking to India. Bring a sleeping bag along! You may encounter a man carrying a large container of hot water and several clay cups, shouting Cayer! Cayer! You can count on him for some cheap hot tea if you decided to sit up and stay awake.

Traveling Tip: Bring a sleeping bag.


New Delhi...
