Discoveries in Iran

Breast and nose jobs are the rave in Iran! According to the News Straits Times, dozens of beauty centers, including spas and salons, have mushroomed across Teheran. An Art student, Ziba had nose and breast surgeries and she wanted to be tanned and look more attractive. Wearing the headscarf is obligatory under Syariah law which was imposed after the 1979 revolution but that doesn’t keep the Iranian women from taking care of their looks. I was rather surprised by the news because when I visited Iran, I had thought the people there, men and women alike are naturally good looking. One particular woman who removed her headscarf when we were in the plane to Qatar looked just like a doll! Throughout our visit there, from Teheran to Shiraj, Kerman, Yantz, Abyaneh and Esfahan, we saw good looking people. When we were in Teheran again during the last leg of our trip, we met youngsters who were very keen in learning English and a boy in a bus even told me he loved Harry Potter! Believe me, you can get Coca Cola in Iran but I have failed to find a round neck T-shirt there. Then, not every female wears the chador. Young females do wear scarves but they also wear jeans as well and they do appear well dressed and trendy too especially in their high heels. Old women in black chador exist but the chadors are really from thin, lacy materials which when swayed in the wind, look graceful.

University students at the Achaemenid Tombs, Shiraj....

A cobbler in Yantz...

High School students out to learn English in a Park in Esfahan...

Fans of Harry Potter in Teheran...

Traveling Tip: Look for beauty in the place you are visiting; that is if you want to enjoy the trip!