Sulawesi Surprise!: At Losari Beach

While in Makassar, some evenings would be spent strolling Losari beach which was located just near our hotel. Losari Beach is supposed to be a Makassar attraction but don't expect golden beaches and much greenery here. One night, we would walk, scouring for the longest buffet dinner table in the world that a fellow traveller said could be found here but that was all in vain. There was not even a fancy restaurant in sight. Most of the time, we got to see local people enjoying an idyllic moment. I have read about street musicians performing here but no one was performing while we were there. Things have changed, I suppose. Once, I read there was not even a pavement for you to walk on and the place was polluted. Unless you like to look at the antics of the local people, you would not get particularly excited here in Losari Beach. Just settle for the sea breeze that would slap you into reality then!

At Losari Beach...

Traveling Tip: Watch the people!
Sulawesi Surprise! is coming to an end!