Sulawesi Surprise! : A Fort in Makassar

I remember wandering a little further away from our hotel one afternoon and seeing a long stretch of stone wall in the distance. That was actually Fort Rotterdam . On the last leg of our tour, we got to visit it. Built in 1667, this fort which is also known as Benteng Ujung Pandang, used to be a Goanese fort. The king of Gowa had built the latter and the wall then was made of clay. The fort was a walled city during the 17th and 18th centuries and it was here that the governor's residence, the military officers' quarters, government offices, the armory, library, warehouses, garrisons and a protestant church were located. Today, the fort houses the La Galigo museum and is an art centre where theatre performances are held in the evening. Some of the best Dutch buildings are said to be located here. So, while there, drink in the buildings even though they look rather new and recent and pay attention to every corner. Fort Rotterdam, supposedly has five bastions in every corner of its wall ...

Are these Dutch?

Travelling Tip: Look every corner!