Sulawesi Surprise! : More Tongkonans

It rained quite frequently when I was in Sulawesi. It rained the first morning I woke up in Makassar and it rained when we were on the way to Tana Toraja. With such high ranges there in Tana Toraja , I suppose it would rain quite often there. It would not be very different from my hometown, Taiping, I suppose where it used to rain cats and dogs most afternoon what with the Bintang Range blocking the wind from going on further to the sea in the other side of the peninsular. The ranges in Tana Toraja perhaps would serve the same purpose as the Bintang Range and so, it should not be a surprise when after lunch, just as we were making our journey to our next place of interest, it started to drizzle. Our spirits could be easily dampened, but hey, we had come to a place with more Tongkonans. Tongkonan, if you remember, is the traditional ancestral house with the boat-shaped roof of the Torajan people. In the past, these houses could only be built by the nobles. The commoners live in smaller and less decorated homes called banua...

More Tongkonans...

Traveling Tip: Forget the rain!