Sulawesi Surprise! : Look up!

When visiting burial sites in Tana Toraja, it is advisable to look up! That is if you do not want to miss the hanging coffins; I suppose that's what you call those coffins that rest precariously on beams projecting outward from the side of a hill. Hanging coffins do not really confine just to Sulawesi. I remember reading about a female Mainland Chinese lecturer many years ago who had dedicated her life to study the hanging coffins in China. The Bo people, a minority group of people in southern China are famed for their hanging coffins. There are hanging coffins in Philipines too, more specifically in Sagada in Luzon Island and if someone says that there are hanging coffins in Borneo, I would not be surprised too. While I was rather impressed with the burial site in Tana Toraja, a fellow traveller who had worked for many years in East Malaysia said the one we had just visited was not as spectacular as the one he had seen in the Kinabatangan area in Sabah. Now, that was news!

Can you spot the hanging coffins?

Traveling Tip: Look Up!