Sulawesi Surprise!: A School in Tana Toraja

Traveling on, we had come across a little school. Although looking a bit drab, most of the things there look rather familiar - there were single storey buildings with classrooms and a big field with children playing in it and at the entrance, there was even a signboard which proclaimed to the world the school's grand mission and vision. I suppose many schools nowadays, whether in the East or the West, have their own visions and missions but it still came as a surprise to see a little school like that in Tana Toraja with its own mission and vision. That there was a signboard to proclaim them seems so much like having The Ten Commandments cut out in stones. That serves to impress, don't you think?

A school in Tana Toraja... Can you decipher the school's mission and vision?

Traveling Tip: Visit a school!