Sulawesi Surprise!: A Bugis Wedding

Not too long ago, a man in Malaysia divorced his wife and left her and his two teenage sons to marry the maid. The local paper had reported that the 47 year old man, Saiful Zamhuri who described the Indonesian maid, Elly Nuryahati Sapei as a good girl who knew how to pamper others, solemnised the marriage in the girl's hometown in Karawang. That must be in Java. Most probably the wedding ceremony would be different from the one I witnessed in Sulawesi. While traveling to Toraja Land, we noticed many weddings taking place in some of the houses that we passed. Our guide said it was the season for weddings and at one point, stopped our bus only to gate crash a Bugis wedding. The bride and bridegroom were just leaving for the bride's house but happily went back to sit on a special platform that had been raised for them. We passed the hat round among us and collected a tidy sum for the newly weds. Then, we were treated to a traditional dance and a pretty lass went up the stage to sing a Siti Nurhaliza's number. Siti Nurhaliza, by the way is a popular Malaysian songtress and by the way, too, the Indonesian maid, Elly Nurhayati Sapei had left the 47 year old man and their child with him, claiming that she had wanted to earn extra money to bring her family in Indonesia out of poverty. What a thoughtful bride!

Can you spot the bride and bridegroom?

Traveling Tip: Attend a wedding!