Sulawesi Surprise! : Posters on the Walls

It was raining when I woke up in Makassar. Dissapointment tends to set in when it rains while you travel. On top of that, breakfast wasn't very good. There were a few miserable local cakes and something unappetising; not to mention too some miserable pieces of overripe papaya on the menu. And since it was raining, we could not just get out into the street. But fret not - just look around at the walls - and if you are lucky, you'd get to see some vintage posters. In Makassar, I got to see some old Coca-cola advertisements and some old movie posters which features strange names like Odile Versans, Herbert Loms, Diana Dors and a load of others...

Can you spot the old Coca-Cola posters?

Traveling Tip: Look at posters!