Java Jamboree: Chinese Desserts

I remember not being very impressed with Solo upon arrival. The streets looked rather shoddy and in need of a good scrub. There was nothing much to look forward to at night and thanks goodness, we came across this cheap-looking roadside stall selling desserts. The proprietor was a nice friendly lady who looked very much a Chinese but we weren't really sure. The desserts she dished out though were definitely Chinese in origin. The one made of peanuts, I am sure is easily available here in Taiping though the Indonesian version was thicker. Then, there was one with glutinous rice balls inside which reminded me of the glutinous rice balls of Tung Jie, the Chinese Winter Solstice. I like them all and the skoteng too which is actually ginger juice, which I remember having drunk it in Kunming, China; only now it is sweeter than you could imagine...

At a street in Solo...Now the push cart here does not offer any desserts but a kind of pancake...Can you spot the pancake and which one of the desserts is made from peanut?

Traveling Tip: Take time for desserts!