Mega GG (Gathering) at Gunung Ledang 2009

We drive from JB around 12:45hrs. Exit at Pagoh Toll and towards, Panchor....then Bukit Gambir, Sagil....reached the Gunung Ledang Resort (N2°20.902' E102°38.154') at 15:45hrs.
I thought we were late to check-in, unexpectedly....most of the members also arrived at the same moment.

We had a bad luck that, our room 13A Power Point was not working. Call up the maintenance guy to verify but he cannot figured out the problem too! Luckily, we changed the next room. The staff at the Reception was friendly.

After settle the room, my wife & daughter exploring around the resort and I join the Malfreemaps group at the restaurant area to kick start our GG (Geek Gathering)! There were total of 16 members and their family.

We started with our 'Talk-Cock' session and it last for 2 hours until we all went for our dinner at Jementah.....

The smile of everybody face started our Gunung Ledang GG 2009

Everybody was excited about the 'GG' T-shirt!

Members from Singapore (Left) : Redstorm, Silverbeauty and friend from North.

The 'peace' by Singawon

You can hear the GPS map discussion at any minute!

Our camera man decided to take a group photos with the MFM Jersey...

Look at their mouth?? What going wrong??

Malfreemaps actually is a group of GPS Enthusiasts who love GPS and Mapping very much. We do it as a hobby and hope to see more peoples who have the same interest that can join this community. If you wanna know more about it, please visit

Our chalets during night time.....

Related post :-
* Gunung Ledang Resort (Mount Ophir), Johor
* Seng Kee Restaurant at Jementah, Johor
* Malfreemaps Mapping Discussion at Gunung Ledang Resort, Johor