Borneo Break: Some Memorable Moments

It was in the early evening when we left Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei. The sky was still bright and Mau Wei had driven into a petrol kiosk to fill up the car's tank but unfortunately, Malaysians were allowed to buy petrol only from designated petrol kiosks near the Malaysia-Brunei border. So, we made off for the border. Mau Wei made a wrong turning at first but after making some enquiries, managed to take the right road home. Besides this, I guess other memorable moments was Mau Wei receiving an SMS from Yen Yen's sister in Peninsular Malaysia informing her about the impending nationwide petrol price increase. It was almost eight when we reached Miri and there, at all the petrol kiosks we came across, there were long rows of vehicles trying to get some petrol before the price increase the next day. It was a phenomenon not only in Miri but all over Malaysia. Then of course, in Miri, visiting Poh Lee was memorable too. She treated us to a dim sum breakfast at Restaurant 2020 besides taking us for a tour to her school, SMK Chung Hua. I heard her school had an excellent brass band which reportedly jammed with T'Inventielke, a walkabout band from Holland at the 2008 Miri International Jazz Festival. Even then, when we were touring the school during the holidays when most of the teachers and students were away for the holidays, the members of the brass band were busy practising a special performance which I think they were going to perform oversea...

Poh Lee's school...

Students practising....

Traveling Tip: Visit the local school!