Trips Planning

When you going for a vacation,

a) Do you plan your own trip?
b) Let the travel agency plan for you?
c) Let the trip plan on you.....

Some of my friends belong to the category 'b'. I believe most of the peoples here also the same. This is the culture, maybe they are because of too conservative? Knowledge not enough? Limited time? Don't know about internet? Or lazy to find out more?

I was from the Cat. 'b'....but now I fall into to Cat. 'a'. Those day it's due to lack of information and also everyone seems like to 'spoon feed' by others. But now, fortunately we have the BIG library – Internet. You can have almost 80% of the information you need. (Do you have anything to say about this?)

I love to plan my own trip if the place is allow. Especially within my own country – Malaysia. My friends call me : “Explorer”. Yes, I admit that I love explore! :)

The benefits of self planned trip are :-
1)You control your time.
2)You can have plenty of time when you reach your favorite area.
3)There's always a bonus.
4)It's cheaper than travel with tour agency.
5)You chose your own foods
6)More & more.........

All you need is “Information”!
I usually visit some forums to gain more experience and information. But it might take more time for you to get what you want because it's not easy to search......

I came across this site - GeckoGo Travel, it's useful for every traveler. The information provided are mostly from members sharing & contributions. Everyone can be a member, once you traveled to some nice places and would like to share your experience, please share it here.
Let me show you some example, if you like to travel to K.L. (The capital of Malaysia), you can find it here. And it's also include the tourist attraction like The Twin Tower.

The contributor also will highlight that certain places you need to avoid and certain places you MUST visit. A person advise & experience is more benefits than a simple write-up. Any comment on this? :)