A Pilgrimage Special: Goodbye, Varanasi.

Goodbye, Varanasi. We were supposed to leave Varanasi in the evening, just before it turned dark but the train was delayed for more than an hour and a big crowd gathered till it turned dark and chilly. Earlier in the morning, we had visited the Ganga and had lunch at our hotel and now, we were headed by coach to the railway station with a packed lunch. Our guide had paid some porters to carry our luggages and there was much haggling over the price to be paid like usual. While waiting, Yoong Meng and I wandered around the railway station, drinking in the dark and drab scene and even buying toys from a peddler. As we waited in the cold, we chatted with some locals, a young university student and a couple with a cute, chubby girl and when we left, we did not just wave goodbye to the people but to Varanasi. Technically, leaving Varanasi meant our pilgrimage had ended. We were headed for Agra and then to New Delhi, before heading for home...

Varanasi Railway Station...


Yoong Meng...

Inside our train...