A Pilgrimage Special: Cradle of Buddhism

One of the attractions in Bodhgaya is the Daibutus or the Great Buddha erected by the Japanese. Here, one can find an eighty feet high Buddha seated on a lotus. It has been said that since Asoka's first visit in 259 BC, Bodhgaya had become the cradle of Buddhism without intermission for more than 1500 years until the Buddhist viharas and shrines were devastated by Muslims in the 13th century. The flow of pilgrims halted and Anagarika Dharmapala had in fact attributed to the extinction of Buddhism in India to Muslims. Anyway, in 1956 which marked the 2500th anniversary of Buddhism, there was a resurgence of activity at Bodhgaya. A number of foreign temples and monasteries sprang up and today, Bodhgaya undoubtedly, became again an important focal point to Buddhist pilgrims from all over the world.

The Daibutus...

Malaysian pilgrims in Bodhgaya...

Other temples and monasteries built by foreign countries...