A Pilgrimage Special: A Tragic Tale

Rajgir used to be called Rajagaha and had been the capital of the kingdom of Magadha for centuries. Here, a tragic story abounds. It was here that King Bimbisara, a lay follower of Buddha offered the Bamboo Garden (Veluvana) to the Buddha and it is here too where King Bimbisara was usurped by his parricidal son, Ajatasattu. At the instigation of Devadatta, Ajatasattu had imprisoned his father with the intention of starving him to death. Initially, the king was saved from death because the Queen would feed him with honey which she smuggled into the jail and this she did by smearing her body with honey! When Ajatasattu had a son of his own, he was filled with so much love for the baby that he asked the Queen if his own father had loved him as much. To this the Queen had answered, When you are a baby and could not sleep, your father had took you in his arms and had sucked your thumb to soothe you to sleep. Who could have loved you more? Hearing this, Ajatasattu suddenly realised what a grave mistake he had made. He would have released his father but by then of course, King Bimbisara had passed away, just like Ajatasattu had intended, starved!

Entrance to the Bamboo Garden...

Site of the Ancient Venuvaha Vihara that could not be excavated because it was occupied Muslim graves..

A Shrine at Bamboo Garden.... There was supposed to be an ancient painting of King Bimbisara and Lord Buddha on the background but unfortunately the painting had been painted over the year before...

Remains of King Bimbisara's Jail...