First Impression of Europe

Brussels, the capital of Belgium and the administrative centre of the European Union is where I first stepped foot on Europe. Reaching there very early in the morning, the first impression was the airport seemed rather small and not as busy as KLIA, the airport back home in Malaysia. The café was deserted except for one or two people there, laying on the chairs or benches, trying to catch a wink or two before daybreak, a typical sight in all airports around the world.

Couldn’t say that I saw much of Brussels. When the first opportunity arose, my friends and I had boarded a bus to a bus terminal to catch a Euroline bus to Amsterdam. It was dark and raining when we started the journey and while I caught sight of the empty streets on the way, I didn’t see much except neatly piled garbage in plastic bags by to roadside to get a little bit impressed.

A lesson learnt was probably Europe looks nicer in books!

Travel tips: Have some chocolates or biscuits in your pocket. It will come in handy when you have hunger pangs!