Night at Port Dickson Beach, Negri Sembilan

Port Dickson Beach at Night (N02 30.708 E101 49.605)
We had a stop at one of the beach along the Port Dickson Coastal. There were 2 photos I took for sharing...

I took out my tripod, and placed it towards the Port Dickson town. Photo below...
Port Dickson town from far away

I should make use of the Manual Focus rather than Auto Focus! Regretted after I look into the photos...
The next photo was shooting along the beach, which I'm more satisfied compare with the first photo.

The beach was quite crowded that night, I saw some of campers setting up their tent along the beach. It was a nice area to relax...

After hanging around the beach for an hour, we went back to the Resort for rest...that's end our first day at Port Dickson.


Weng Yin Seafood Restaurant at Port Dickson, Negri Sembilan

Weng Yin Seafood Restaurant (Restoran in Malay) (N2 26.087 E101 51.771) is located along the main road of Teluk Kemang, Port Dickson - Negri Sembilan.

Weng Yin Seafood Restaurant

The reason we chose this restaurant for dinner was because it had a Thumb-up from the Malfreemaps. 
The restaurant was packed of peoples when we reached. So we gonna placed our order asap! :)

All the dishes here was recommended from the lady who took our order...

3 Flavoured Fish (Sorry, don't know how to translate in English)
Butter Prawn
Kung Pao Chicken
Tao-Fu mixed with Vege
Onion Omelette
Spicy La-la Clam
And another two dishes I forgot already....:)
Total eight (8) dishes. Foods were serve in about 15 minutes, I'm satisfied with the service!

Three (3) flavored Fish

Butter Prawn
Kung Pao Chicken

Tao-Fu mixed with vegetable

Onion Omelette

 Spicy La-la Clam

Overall the dishes were Delicious!
Especially the Fish! It was very fresh and crispy on the skin. (It's deep fried and added the sweet sour sauce) We Love it very much! The lady said, they are famous with their Crabs, but we didn't order due to one of us not taking crab. We were having our sweet time to finished all the dishes happily!
And the Damage : MYR190.00 for 7 adults and 4 children.
It really Worth second visit!!

Food rated : 4.8/5

Location of Weng Yin Seafood Restaurant


Ostrich Showfarm at Port Dickson, Negri Sembilan

Port Dickson Ostrich Showfarm (N2 26.778 E101 51.749) is located along Jalan Kemang 13, about 450 meter away from the main road of Teluk Kemang, Port Dickson.

The weather was not so good during our visit. No sun and almost rain...

The entrance fee are : MYR8.00 for adult and MYR4.00 for children and senior citizen. I believe the farm does not have subsidy from the Malaysia Tourism.

I was wondering why it called 'Showfarm'? It's because of the 'Show' in the farm? Please elaborate this if you have an answer...:) Ok, the first Showtime - Monkey Plucking Coconut : 11am - 3pm. Second was Ostrich Race : 11.30am - 3.30pm. (The shows will stop perform if rain). Oh my! The So Called Showtime!!

The first animal we saw...the Goat. Oh! I told myself...please show me something interesting...

Then we had been 'Follow' by a White Peacock...
It ran away once we walked close to the Ostrich

Then...we saw the Ostrich! With the signage beside...

Juvenile Ostriches (7-16 months)
A) Male feathers are Black in color & female feathers are Grey in color.
B) They do not have teeth, so it is safe to hand feed them.
C) Ostrich belong to the ratite family. The characteristic of the ratite family is they do not have breast muscle, so they cannot fly.

Once the kids read the 'B', they started to feed the Ostrich...

But her face tell us that, she still fear from the Ostrich bite! :)

The Ostrich from Port Dickson

The second ostrich farm note was :-

Breeder / Laying Bird
A) Female ostriches start laying at 1.5 years old.
B) Laying time is from 8am-10am and 4pm-6pm.
C) After laying, the egg will be collected immediately to avoid any soil contamination.
D) The production of eggs are around 40-90 eggs / season. (1 season = 8 months)

The second farm was not allow to Feed! Maybe the ostrich will attack?! I'm not sure...

We continue the walk, I saw there were Monkeys jumping around on the ground. Kind of funny! I did not get the name of it, cos there's no signage...

The Macaque

Too bad, suddenly it started to rain...what a luck! But the children still Busy feeding the rabbits...Haha!

So we had a rest at the Cafe area. The drinks over here are selling at reasonable price...
Beside the cafe, situated the Souvenir Centre. The write-up and the Egg machine which take care of the Ostrich egg got our attention. Quite a nice knowledge to us...

About 10 minutes later, we continued our tour in the farm. There were few interesting 'Birds' beside the cafe, photo below...

It might belong to the Peacock or Turkeys family

If your weight is more than 120kg, Please DON'T stand on it!

Ostrich Egg

Beside the egg, you can have the Ostrich Ride within the area. But the children don't see any interest on it. Strange? Hmm...

I saw One little monkey which was very interesting! I think I spend most of the time captured this monkey in the farm. It was Cute! Haha!

The Little Cute monkey at PD Ostrich Showfarm

The Iguana looks old...wondering what's the age of it?!

That all about it! Basically, the farm got limited animal to see and the animals environment need to Improvement. Most of the animals are not living in the comfort area. All of this might because of the limited fund from the owner. I felt the entrance fee is not justify with the Ostrich farm, they should make more interesting area and make the farm look more clean. There's always a room to improve!

One of the Decoration in the farm

Location map of the Port Dickson Ostrich Showfarm


Update 2: Delhi

Photo © Tewfic El-Sawy-All Rights Reserved

Notwithstanding everyone's assurances in Delhi that the thick fog which currently envelops it is not unusual, I have never seen it as dense...and it's colder than I expected. Having said that, it's always a joy to be in Delhi at the cusp of another photo~expedition.

Two of the photo~expedition members are already in Delhi; Terri Gold and Wink Willett. With the gallant and delightful companionship of my friend, Anamitra Chakladar, we have gallivanted on Chandni Chowk, ate Karim's kebabs, rode on a time machine with the oldest established deed writer in Delhi and tranced in Nizzam Uddin Dargah with the sounds of qawwali. Mohit Gupta joined us, and I came across Peter Aronson as well...all in a matter of moments at the shrine of Nizzam Uddin!!! It probably wasn't a coincidence, because the venerated Sufi saint must have made it all possible somehow.

This evening, the rest of the group will meet in the lobby of the posh Lalit Hotel, which is our home for our nights in Delhi. Being within a stone's throw from Connaught Place, I planned on having dinner in one of the many area's restaurants, however Connaught Place is a construction site at this time, so we'll eat in.

Tomorrow it's Udaipur...the gateway to the rest of the itinerary.

Laguna Condo Resort at Port Dickson

2 weeks before, I was trying to book a hotel at Port Dickson. After 5 to 6 hotels I called, all fully booked! Until I called this Laguna Condo Resort. There were 2 units available, every unit has 2 bedroom (with air-conditional), 2 washroom, a living hall and a kitchen. So I made a reservation with them and requested the 2 units side-by-side, but the girl said they cannot provide both units on the same floor because of "Fully Booked". Without a choice, we agree to have one unit on the fourth floor and another unit at second floor.

They will 'text' me through my Cellular Phone for me to bank-in a MYR50.00 for the reservation, I agree and waiting for '2' days! I'm started to suspect...why they need 2 days to text me the bank account number...seems like they are not serious about the customer reservation, I think to myself...

On the day (26th December 2009), 2 families were happily drive towards the Resort to have a 2 days 1 night holiday at Port Dickson.

Once we reached our destination - Laguna Condo Resort, we felt a bit disappointed of the 'Rundown' outlook! But no choices, because the hotels nearby almost fully booked on this festive season. It doesn't matter, we check-in and we drove out the resort to search for some excitement around...

The rundown outlook of Laguna Condo Resort - Port Dickson

We went to the Blue Lagoon Beach and I will blog about it in my following post...

Went back to the resort around 6pm, to have some rest and will be out for dinner. Then we noticed, the two units we got are slightly different with grilled and the other don't. And one unit short of pillows, so I called up the office to request the shortage and the girl told me : 
"Please look around what are not complete in your unit, I will prepare and bring it over. Because after 7pm, the office will be close and there will be no maintenance guy around until next morning !!"
I was totally SHOCKED! No more maintenance after 7pm?! What if anything goes wrong with the electricity, you gonna wait till morning! Oh! My goodness! This was the WORST Resort I ever stay in my life!!
Ok...we stayed!

Poor maintenance of the garden

I noticed the floor SANK at many area around the building! I wondering will this become dangerous building and threaten to human life??

The floor sank...

I realized why we CANNOT get the side-by-side unit because we are the ONLY unit available on that floor! The rest are all abandon units! Some of the doors and windows even broken! Many units also have the 'Notice' attached on the main door...It shows, this is the area where peoples already Give Up for their investment!

The Notice on the entrance

Why the town council doesn't take any action on the building? Like I said, it can become a threaten to human life? Or there are so Lose about this? Or...maybe all because of the Great Kampung (Villagers) Spirits and the Typical Malaysian Attitude!

But inside the apartment, Everything were OK! It was clean. As you can see from the photos below...

The Living Hall

The Kitchen

The room with queen bed

The Bathroom attached to the room above

Another room with 2 single bed

During night time, there were no 'Lights' on the corridor! Only the lights from our unit! It was looks like HELL to me! Never see the security guard patrol around, No Security!! No privacy!! Bunch of youngster from outside ramp their bikes around!
Oh! no! I stayed in the Hell!

The corridor without lights

So I have to get some Tiger beer to keep me company for that night! We locked the door before midnight, full of worries because of the kids around...Totally NO holiday atmosphere at all! And wish tomorrow sunlight come as soon as possible!

At Last, we made it! Haha! 
I noticed there are few abandon houses just opposite our units, it looks really like a Haunted house to me!

The abandon houses in front of our unit

Roots are everywhere on the wall

We packed our luggage at the Fastest speed and Check-out! During check-out, I found out the employees here are only Part-time workers! Oh! I never step in to this "Hell Gate" anymore!

What a experience to us!

If you Love your family or friends, please stay away from this So Called Resort at Teluk Kemang of Port Dickson!


Update 1: On The Road: London

As much as I love London, I must say that it's quite dreary at this time of year, so I'm glad it's only a short stop over this time.

I flew Virgin Atlantic's morning flight from Newark to London, and had two small carry-ons with me. My small Domke and a canvas laptop shoulder bag. I "linked" both with carabiners, and had them stuffed with all my photo gear as well as my Acer netbook. All my cables and electronic "support system" were in my checked-in luggage, including my 70-200mm lens.

The security check was polite, fast, efficient and thorough. My Domke bag was singled out for a quick swab by a TSA agent since it had all the gear...and within a minute, I was cleared.

On arrival, I checked my main bag and found that the TSA had opened it and left me a note saying that it had done so. My TSA-approved locks were there as I had locked them. And nothing was missing.

Efficient and professional.

The second test as to my carry-on configuration will be tonight as I check in to my Virgin flight to Delhi. I expect the lines at Heathrow's security will be long.

Quinn Ryan Mattingly: Puja

Puja from Quinn Ryan Mattingly on Vimeo.

Quinn attended the Foundry Photojournalism Workshop in Manali last summer, and photographed (and videographed) one of the rituals occuring right at the heart of this northern Indian town. Rajasthani families descend on Manali during the summer season looking for work and to escape the torrid heat of their state. Naturally, they bring their own rituals, which include daily prayers when some the devotees enter into trances, transported by the music and the chants. His multimedia essay merges stills and video, and brings you to the scene extremely well. I have seen the ritual first hand, and I must say that it's almost as if I was there again.

Quinn Ryan Mattingly is a documentary photographer currently based in Saigon, and most of his work aims at giving voices to those who are unable to be heard, and is working with former and current street children in Saigon.

Some of his other documentary stories are from Vietnam, and Nepal (as well as a book on Blurb). His photography essays can be seen here, and he also has a blog that chronicles some of his photography as well.

Walk in the Farm - Eden Eco Farm of Saleng, Johor

Continue from the main post.

We started our relax walk from the left of the building, there was green everywhere...we came across this Passion fruit garden.

Passion Fruit

"Passiflora edulis is a vine species of passion flower that is native to Brazil and northeastern Argentina (Corrientes and Misiones provinces).[1] Common names include Passion Fruit, Maracujá/Maracuyá (South America), and Lilikoʻi (Hawaiian). It is cultivated commercially in frost-free areas for its fruit and is widely grown in India, New Zealand, the Caribbean, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Peru, California, Florida, Haiti, Hawaii, Australia, East Africa, Israel and South Africa. The passion fruit is round to oval, yellow or dark purple at maturity, with a soft to firm, juicy interior filled with numerous seeds. The fruit can be grown to eat or for its juice, which is often added to other fruit juices to enhance the aroma." Source from Wiki.

Follow the path, we came to the back of the main building...

There were many type of plants, but I only can recognize the corn (below)...

Don't worry about this big area to explore, you can have a rest anytime at the area below...

I attracted by the small animals beside the rest area...where the tortoise pond, cattle ranch, duck pond and many more...

The Bull from the Cattle Ranch

The duck pond

The turkeys

After the duck pond, we came to an area looks like a function hall and it also serve as a basketball court...

I like the Dragon Fruits area, as you can see the photos below...

There are also many type of flower around here like the photos below...but I'm not sure with their name...

Then the path lead us to the 'Worm World'. I'm not really dig the worm from the soil, but the 'small creature' below got my attention!
I think they are from the Lizard family...

The rabbits was Cute! They are in the Rabbit Farm just next to it...

We took almost an hour for the tour, it was a pleasant walk in this scenic farm. During the night fall, all the path will be lighted with this unique kerosene lantern...oh! I love it very much! Never expect to see this type of lamp after so long...

Kerosene lantern at Eden Eco Farm

Mr Steven said, it has nice ambience around the farm during night time! I agree...

Please visit it if you happen to be around this area, it's nice! And I will find a suitable time to group with few friends to have a night at this Eden Eco Farm.

For contact and location, please refer here.

Related post :-
* A Paradise within the City - Eden Eco Farm of Saleng, Johor